Chapter Thirty

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"This is a big house, emphasis on the house" Ffion chuckles lightly, her eyebrows drawn down hard in a frown I didn't quite understand. Just a minute ago she was sitting in the passenger seat of my car, excited to see what my place looked like, but now something was off with her.

I didn't know what it was, but I could feel it oozing out her pores. I didn't like not knowing what she was thinking, or how she was feeling.

I grab her hand and pull her up the porch steps towards the front door. "It's just a house."

"Yeah, Keaton. A house. I live in an apartment for crying out loud, a small one too" So that was the reason for her change in mood.

"I love your home" I shrug, pulling out my keys and sliding it into the lock, making sure to hold Ffion's hand tighter in case she tries to run away.

"You have to duck your head under every doorway" Ffion huffs, wrapping her spare arm around mine, and pressing her cheek to my bicep.

"Sweetheart, be worried about what I think about the soap collection under your sink, not your apartment" Ffion sighs, nodding her head as I push the door open and pull her inside, locking it behind us.

"Wait, what about my soap collection?" Ffion questions, clearly just having processed what I said. I smile as I step behind her and pull the coat off her shoulders, placing it with mine on the rack beside the door.

"You've got enough bars to last a lifetime. Unless you're a doomsday planner, I don't think you need that many" I shrug, swooping down and taking her hand in mine again. Ffion sighs, nodding along as I pull her towards the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you're 35, have a house and are financially well off. I'm a teacher aid that gets paid $28 an hour and is renting" Ffion says, stopping on one side of the bench as I move to the other.

"I'd be more than happy being financially well off for the both of us" I reply only half joking, pulling Ffion's favourite wine from my fridge and placing it on the kitchen bench, alongside two glasses.

"Cool your jets, you're my boyfriend not my husband."

"All in time" I shrug, glancing up to watch her bite the inside of her mouth, a beautiful smile peeking through. Ffion sucks in a deep breath before releasing it slowly. Her eyes dart around the kitchen as I pour us both a glass of wine.

"I want to live here" Ffion states, her expression now one of awe.

"A beautiful roommate that I can kiss whenever I want to? When can you move in?" Ffion rolls her eyes, taking the glass as I slide it to her.

"Your kitchen. I want to live in your kitchen."

"Thank you" I take my glass, eyes too mesmerised on Ffion to think of anything else.

"It's so beautiful. The complete opposite of your office, which is hideous by the way" I walk around the kitchen bench, Ffion's mouth spreading wide into a teasing grin as I grab her glass from her hands and put it down. Ffion yelps, hands coming to catch my biceps as I scoop her up, placing her on top of the bench, before resting myself between her thighs. 

"You shouldn't be so mean to me, you know?" I whisper against her ear, leaning my hands on either side of her hips. Ffion drops her head back a fraction as I trail slow kisses down the length of her neck. 

"Why not?"

"Cause I seem to be quite biased when it comes to picking punishments that bring me pleasure" I nip at the skin between her shoulders and neck, Ffion rolling her hips against my crotch reminding me she's not wearing underwear. 

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