Chapter Thirty Eight

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Ffion was forced out of bed at 6 o'clock this morning. It's now 11:36 and I am yet to have seen her. I'm getting intense Ffion withdrawals and if I don't get a glimpse of her in the next 10 minutes I'm ruining this day for everyone and going on a rampage.  

"You look like you're about to combust" Mike, Ffion's father states from beside me, the two of us standing in black within a crowd of colours, waiting to be let into the church. 

"I'll give you a warning before I blow. Hopefully you can get a head start" I respond, Mike snorting as he takes a step in front of me and turns around until we're facing each other. Despite being the shorter guy, Mike stands wide asserting the dominance he has over me. 

"Mason told me he gave you the talk last night."

"Yes sir" Mike eyebrows twitched up, surprised by the formality but clearly not hating it. 

"Well son, it's my turn" I dig my hands in my pockets, blocking out the loud bustling around us as I gave Mike my full attention. He seems to appreciate the fact I'm looking at him as he nods and begins. 

"Ffion is my baby girl. Biological or not, she's my daughter and she means the absolute world to me" I smile slightly at the obvious amount of love this man has for his daughter. She deserved it, and I was just glad he was one of the few people in her shit show of a family that gave it to her. 

"I like you, Keaton. I like you a lot. You stood up for her to her own mother, something I respect a whole lot. You know she's capable of using her own backbone, but still you gave her yours just in case" It meant a lot to me, having the love of my life's Dad tell me he respected me. Mike takes a step forward and drops his voice. 

"Despite the fact I like you, if you dare to ever even think about hurting my daughter, I will dig your grave with my own two hands. Hurt her, and she will be the last thing you ever touch" For a threat coming from a man with dimples, it was damn good. 

"I love your daughter, sir. I'm sure if anyone was hurting somebody, it'd be her hurting me" Mike smiles, nodding his head to himself. He pats my arm before taking a step back and returning to my side. 

"Good answer." Just as Mike stops beside me the church doors open and in the front foyer stands a sign with the names of the happy couple, and a photo from the day they got engaged. 

You've got to be fucking kidding me. 


After getting ready in Isabelle's room, the bridesmaid dress one of the prettiest things I've ever worn, I snuck out and to Mason's dressing room, eager to see him before the wedding ceremony begins. I knock and immediately slip inside, Mason turning around with a frown on his face until his eyes meet mine. 

"What on gods green earth are you doing in here?" Mason laughs, taking a step away from the mirror and one towards me. I cup my hand over my mouth, finding myself emotional over seeing my brother in a tux. 

"Oh Mason, for once you look half decent-"

"Oh yeah, you can definitely get out" Mason holds his hands up, reading to push me back out of the room but I quickly step to the side, a wide smile on my face as he stops. Mason stares right back at me, his smile spreading wider with each second unspoken. 

"I can't believe in an hour you'll be a married man" I state, Mason nodding along as he exhaled a heavy breath, fidgeting with his hands. 

"It's pretty fucking scary" He replies as I scoff, waving him off. 

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