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"Dude, just come on," Rotxo whined, siting atop his moving Ilu. The whole journey back from The Overlook consisted of him begging Aonung to tell him the girl's name.

Aonung was tired of it, "If I tell you, will you stop?" His Ilu grew restless, thrashing about. It felt the anger flowing from Aonung.

"Definitely," Rotxo replied, glancing down at the other's Ilu with a puzzled look on his face.

Aonung thought quickly, blurting out the first name that came to mind, "Íhia."

There was silence for a while, then Rotxo spoke up, "Really, dude? I would not have guessed that."

Íhia was a tall, slender Metkayina. She was known for her striking beauty, which some said could rival Tsireya. However, she was a warrior, who had no interest in finding a mate. Aonung thought his decision was a good one, even Rotxo knew no one had a chance with her. Maybe now he will back off.
"Good luck with that one man, maybe I can help you," the last bit of the sentence made Aonung loose his breath. Instead of responding, he clicked, his Ilu diving under water. Bursts of color filled his eyes. Being underwater was one of his favorite things. Behind him, followed Rotxo. He looked down at the deep blue Ilu, stroking its neck with his hand slowly. It calmed, and so did he. Who cares what Rotxo thinks.
When the pair returned to the clan, it was getting dark. They dismounted, releasing the bond from the Ilus. Rotxo didn't say anything to him as he left, just patted his shoulder. Aonung stood in knee deep water for a moment, his Ilu staying close by, while Rotxo's swam off.

"Thank you for the journey today, Eytu," he spoke softly, rubbing the Ilu on the head. It chirped, before turning and diving under the water. He watched it swim off, it's dark body seeming to dissolve under the waves. He sighed, siting down. The water rose to his waist. Foam settled around him, water lapping at him. He raised his gaze to the sky. It reminded him a lot of Neteyam's dark skin. He inspected every star, comparing it to the younger boy. From behind, he could hear the sloshing of water. Someone was approaching. He didn't move to look at who it was, he continued to stare up at the sky. Beside him, the person sat closely. He knew it couldn't just be anyone, it had to be someone he was close to, and it was.

"Aonung?" the serene voice of Tsireya broke the silence. He hummed in response, turning his gaze to her finally. She had a look of worry on her face.

"Is something wrong?" he reached his hand out, wrapping it around his sister's back.

She scooted closer, "Will you rebrand my hair?"
He nodded, turning his body so she was between his legs. He began unknotting the ends of her braids in silence.

"I know you don't particularly fancy Lo'ak..." she trailed off. Aonung stopped for a moment, before continuing.

"He is alright, he makes you happy" he mumbled, focusing on the braids.

"Well... father gave him his blessing to preform tsaheylu with me before Eywa," she blurted out.
Aonung blinked, beginning to rebraid her hair.

"I am happy for you," Aonung let the corners of his lips curl slightly. A sigh of relief could be heard from Tsireya.

"I thought you would be mad," she rubbed her face, something she would do when she was nervous.

"Why would I? I want you to be happy, and if you love him, so be it." Without warning, she turned around, wrapping Aonung in a hug. He was shocked, hugging her back.

Laughing, she spoke, "When are you going to find the one, Aonung?"

He laughed as well, "I'm not worried about finding a mate."

Tsireya was the one to release the hug, "When you meet your mate, you will have a connection like no other, you can't ignore it."

Aonung rolled his eyes playfully, "Doubt that will ever happen, no one wants to be around me other that Rotxo."

"You're in line to be the next Olo'eyktan, women will soon be lining up for your favor," she spoke with pride.
He just nodded, nudging her to turn around so he could finish her braids. He didn't like the sound of that, it put a bitter taste in his mouth. Once finished, they sat and spoke about the ceremony would happen.

"We are planning to wait until Neteyam wakes, though. It's very important for Lo'ak," Tsireya was turned towards Aonung again.

"It is late, you should head to the mauri, I'll catch up in a bit," he spoke softly, Tsireya to her feet. Water rushed down her body in long streams. She flipped her hair onto her back.

"Thank you for this," she gestured between them, "the hair and conversation."

"That's what I'm for, little sister," he smiled.
She waded back towards the shore, he watched her go.
Once she was out of sight, he stood, making his way to the medical mauri.

Always There - Neteyam x AonungWhere stories live. Discover now