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Neteyam told him to meet him on the beach again after dark. Aonung was currently sitting in his family's mauri, messing with his hair. He undid the bun that sat on the back of his head. His curls tumbled down his back, reaching his waist. He slowly undid the tight braids that his sister had done. His head throbbed from the yanking and pulling he was doing. He grew frustrated at himself, carelessly undoing his braids. He brushed his fingers through the loose hair, sighing. Aonung huffed, picking up a rib bone of a large fish. He twisted his hair up into a bun, sticking the bone straight through the middle. He exhaled loudly, standing.

"I need to find Kiri," he stood quickly, striding out of the pod. He quickly made his way around the village, looking everywhere for her. At last, he approached the Sully's mauri. He popped his head around the entrance, glancing in. Inside was Neytiri, he contemplated going in for a moment.

"Aonung, come in," her voice broke his train of thought. His eyes snapped up, looking at her. She continued to stir the pot above the small fire she sat at.  He slowly inched in the pod, feeling awkward. His eyes instinctively scanned around area, unlike his parents' own pod, this one was two linked together. In the main room there was a singular, large hammock. He assumed this was for Neytiri and Jake. From what he could see in the other room, it was filled with hammocks as well.

"Do you know where Kiri is?" Aonung finally spoke up, clasping his hands together. Neytiri turned her gaze towards him, looking him up and down.

"With Rotxo, I would guess," she smiled, "would you like to try some?" she gestured towards the pot.

Aonung slowly made his way over to the fire, crouching down. He glanced into the pot. It was a soup of some kind. Neytiri used the ladle she was stirring the mixture with to dip some out for Aonung. She poured it out into a wooden bowl, handing it over.

"It is squid and Sloapek," Neytiri stirred the soup once more before handing it over. Sloapek is a pincer fish, harmless to Na'vi, but a predator to other species. Its meat is tough, and usually not eaten. Aonung thanked her, bringing the bowl to his mouth. He sniffed it quickly before turning it upward, allowing the liquid to coat his mouth. It was flavorful, with small chunks of fish and squid in it. He was surprised at the fact that the Sloapek was tender, and juicy. He finished the soup quickly.

"That wad really good, thank you," he handed the bowl back over to Neytiri, who seemed satisfied.

"It had been challenging to cook with just ocean life," she mused, growing silent. Aonung took that as she hand no more to say. He stood, thanking her again. "I'm pretty sure Kiri and Rotxo are right outside," he looked flabbergasted, there was no way he missed them.

"Thank you," he waved at her, exiting. He rounded the corner, and yep, there they were. They sat on the walkway, dangling their feet into the water. As Aonung approached, Kiri turned to him.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah?" she looked puzzled

Aonung looked at Rotxo, "Alone, if you don't care."

"Yeah, no problem dude," Aonung noticed that Rotxo's hand lingered on Kiri's back as he got up and left.

The boy sat down, allowing his feet to dip in the water. Beside him, Kiri lifted hers up, turning to him and crossing her legs.

"What's up?"

"Neteyam asked me to meet him tonight, do you know what that is about?" Aonung fiddled with his fingers, his eyes plastered on the water.

"Probably because you were being a creep the whole time he was in that coma." Kiri stuck her tongue out playfully. Aonung felt a blush spread across his cheeks.

"I was not, plus, how would he know about that?" Aonung felt nervousness rise up in his chest.

"I don't know," she pursed her lips, "it's probably nothing."

"Yeah, right."


The thoughts of what Neteyam had to say to him were eating him alive. The day ticked by slowly and grueling. He sat in his family's mauri around the fire. It was just him, his mother, and father. Tsireya was with Lo'ak and the Sullys. Ronal hummed as she handed out the food she prepared. Aonung graciously took it. Tonowari placed a kiss on his mate's forehead after accepting his.

"Thank you, mom," Aonung brushed a curl from his face.

"You're welcome, dear," she smiled softly.

Tonowari cleared his throat, "There is something we have been wanting to ask you."

Aonung looked up from his lap, "Yes?"

"You are able to choose a mate now..." Tonowari trailed off. Aonung knew where this was going.

"Have you picked a woman?" Ronal finished, eating.

"Not yet," he looked back down, shoveling a rice-like grain into his mouth.

"Why not?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No one has caught my interest, is all," he blew air from his mouth.

"Don't push him, he is just now 18," Tonowari spoke before Ronal could continue. They sat in silence as they continued to eat.

Aonung excused himself when he was finished, mentioning that he was going to meet with Lo'ak and Tsireya. He made his way onto the beach, finding that Neteyam was already there. Aonung awkwardly approached, standing next to him.

"You can sit," Neteyam spoke up, and Aonung didn't protest. He sat quickly, reaching up to fix his bun. He removed the fish bone, twisting his hair back up. He pushed the bone back through the middle. When he finished, he found Neteyam's eyes on him. the moon illuminated his skin, the small bioluminescent freckles on his face lit up like stars.

"What did you want to talk to me about," Aonung's voice was quiet.

Neteyam sighed, "I know you were visiting me."

"What, how?" Aonung's breath began to pick up. His chest rose and fell rapidly.

"I could hear everything, every word you said, what everyone said," his face was void of emotion. Aonung placed his hands in the sand, gripping.

He heard. Aonung went pale, a fire burning in his stomach. He felt like he was going to be sick. Neteyam had heard him call him handsome, felt him holding onto him, their hands intertwined, and the semi-confession. Aonung didn't know what to do, so he stood. He began to fast walk away. Behind him he could hear Neteyam get up. Aonung began to run, his bun falling apart. The bone holding the bun up clattered to the ground, behind hurried in the sand Aonung kicked up.

"Wait!" Neteyam called, sprinting after him.

Always There - Neteyam x AonungWhere stories live. Discover now