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Recently, the pair of young lovers had begun to sneak off together, traveling farther and farther each time after his leg had almost healed. Aonung hand taken him to his secret cave, Neteyam being the only person he had ever brought there. They had been sitting on the edge on the pool, legs dangling down into the water. Suddenly, Aonung clasped onto Neteyam's hand, pulling him into the water. Neteyam plunged into the water, inhaling water. He surfaced, clinging onto the other boy's body. He coughed loudly, water spewing from his mouth. Aonung immediately pulled him to him, letting Neteyam place his body weight on him.

"Are you okay?" Aonung watched him with worried eyes. Neteyam had stopped coughing by now, which was replaced with loud heaving.

"Yes," he mustered out, weakly punching Aonung's shoulder. Aonung floated in the water, holding the other boy in his arms. He stared sweetly down at Neteyam, who stared back. His eyes sparkled, flashing from the light shining down into the cave. Aonung connected their lips in a gentle kiss. As if Neteyam had a sudden burst of energy, he pushed hard against Aonung. He hungrily moved his lips against Aonung's. His hands slipped down the other boy's broad chest. Aonung was timid, but slowly responded in the same manner. He wrapped his hand around the back of Neteyam's neck, lacing his hand in his braids. His other hand cupped Neteyam's waist, tracing lines on it.

Neteyam pulled back, staring deeply into Aonung's eyes, "I want to be yours." He placed his hand on his cheek.

"You know what that means right?" Aonung stared at him warily.

"I am not stupid, you are the only one for me," Neteyam kissed him sweetly, biting on his lower lip. Aonung hissed, pushing the boy against the rock wall of the lagoon. Neteyam placed his head on Aonung's shoulder, leaving soft kisses there.

"Positive? You're fine with the possible repercussions?" Aonung wrapped both hands around the boy's waist, lifting him up so he is sitting on the edge of the rock. Aonung pulled himself up, spinning to sit next to Neteyam.

"Yes," he breathed out, placing a hand on top of Aonung's.

Aonung slowly lifted his arm over his head bringing his braid over his shoulder. He stared at Neteyam, waiting for him to do the same. Once he did, Aonung held his queue out, watching as Neteyam's pulled towards him. The tendrils connected quickly, causing the two boys to gasp in unison. A strong wave of emotion washed through both of them, a new feeling for both of them. Aonung opened his eyes, watching Neteyam's face closely. As if the other boy knew, his eyes popped open. He scooted closer to Aonung, placing himself on his lap. Their lips met, a fiery feeling boiling deep between them. Aonung's senses were heightened, feeling every single thing Neteyam did. The thing Aonung felt the strongest though, was love, and lust radiating off of Neteyam. The Omatikaya pushed Aonung to the ground, straddling him. Their lips connected again in a fiery dance.


The two laid sprawled out on the cold stone floor of the cave. Neteyam was delicately placed on Aonung's chest, his braids pushed behind his ears. He had fallen asleep, his mouth slightly ajar. Aonung stared down at him, watching his peaceful expression.

"Nete, we need to get back, people will start to wonder where we ran off to," Aonung swiped drool from under his lip.

"No," he drew to 'o' out, his eyes fluttering open. Aonung gazed at his yellow orbs, smiling.

"Yes," Aonung pulled the 's' out, mocking Neteyam.

"Fine," Aonung pushed to his feet, pulling Aonung with him. Aonung was still light on the leg he broke, but could stand and walk fine. Just no hunting, anything strenuous like that. The pair called their Ilus, walking to the water's edge with their hands interlocked. Eytu, and Neteyam's Ilu, who was not named, surfaced. The chirped, slowly swimming in circles. Neteyam giggled, hopping down onto his' back. Aonung followed suit, patting Eytu's long, thick neck. They descended into the water, exiting the cave they now shared a special memory in.


They trudged onto the beach, Neteyam glancing back to watch his Ilu dip under the water, chasing after Eytu. A voice caught the pairs' attention, causing them both to stop in their tracks.

"What is the meaning of this?" the voice shrieked.

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