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Aonung's eyes fluttered open. Light streamed into the mauri, illuminating the boy in the hammock. He stretched his arms out, the muscles in them tensing.He glanced around, his mother and father sitting by the fire.

Without turning her head from the fire, Ronal spoke, "Good morning, my son."

Tonwari turned to look at him, "I have decided when your coming-of-age ceremony will be held.

Aonung sat up quickly. This was a once a year event, if he failed, he would have to wait until next year. "When?" he breathed out.

"After the Tulkun arrive, and leave," Tonwari smiled at him. This was about five days away. Aonung was excited, yet nervous. He would have to preform tsaheylu with a Skimwing. These creatures were saved for warriors, not just anyone rode it. They were wild, and unpredictable. After he completed this, he would receive his tattoos. For years he had planned out what he wanted on his skin for the rest of his life. Naturally, people would begin to expect him to find a mate. That part was the worst of it. He sat on the edge of the hammock, his legs swinging. Tonwari stood, approaching the boy.

He laid a hand on his shoulder, "I have faith in you, boy." Tonwari patted his back, before turning and leaving the Mauri.

Ronal spoke up, "Have you decided on a mate yet, Aonung?" He shook his head. She sighed loudly, "You will have to soon, or a mate will be chosen for you, since you seem to have no interest in it anyway. The people don't need to think the next Olo'eyktan is weak."

"I know mother, I will try," he pushed off of the hammock, trotting over to Ronal. He placed a kiss on her cheek, looking into her eyes. "I promise."

She simply nodded, gesturing towards the entrance with her hand, "Go, mingle with the girls. There are many fine young ladies that would love to be mated with you," she spoke with pride in her voice.

What would it hurt? He nodded, leaving the mauri. He made his way down to the beach, where Rotxo was. Around him say a group of teens their age. He instinctively sat next to his friend. Rotxo pushed him in the shoulder, smiling.

"What's up?" Rotxo looped an arm around his neck, grinning at the group. It consisted of just girls.

Aonung leaned towards Rotxo's ear, whispering, "Such a ladies man, huh?" He sat back, and Rotxo smirked.

"You know it!" he leaned into Aonung, whispering, "I think you would like Eemai." He gestured with his head, towards the girl across the circle. She had a small frame, with dark turquoise skin. Her eyes were a green color, not the usual blue of the Metkayina. Her hair was braided into small strands, it hung down to her shoulders. She was good looking, Aonung had to admit. He smiled at her, and she shyly looked away.

"See, I told you she would be easy," Rotxo chuckled, clapping Aonung on the back. Aonung scowled, he didn't like the way Rotxo said that. She did remind him of a particular someone, however.

After a while, the group dispersed, leaving Aonung and Rotxo. They say next to each other, Aonung leaning back onto his palms. He sighed, letting the sun soak into his skin. The warmth felt good against his skin.

Rotxo nudged him, "Dude, go talk to Eemai!"

"Why?" Aonung sighed, turning his head slowly to look at Rotxo.

"You aren't ever getting with Íhia, she despises everyone, especially you," he laughed wildly, throwing his head back. "Plus, Eemai is right there," he pointed towards the Metkayina woman, who sat a ways down in the water, rebranding her hair.

Aonung huffed, and without a word, got up. He began walking down the beach where she was. Behind him, he heard cheers from Rotxo.

He walked into the water, it reaching his ankles. Before he could sit down, Eemai whipped her head around, her large doe eyes starting up at him.

"Hi, Aonung," she brushed a braid behind her ear, quickly looking away. She continued to braid the last of her hair.

"Hey," he responded shortly, sitting himself down beside her. He scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say.

"Did Rotxo tell you I liked you? You don't have to come talk to me because you pity me. I know you'd never talk, let alone choose someone like me to be your mate." Her voice was cold, her icy stare felt as if it could bore holes into the boy.

"I mean, he did. I came to talk to you because I thought you were beautiful," this felt wrong to him. He was always told he would know when he met the right person. Eemai didn't seem like them, but he continued anyway. He just met her, after all.

She blushed, the iciness in her eyes fading away. Her smile was radiant, her fangs longer than he would have expected. Her teeth shined like pearls. He smiled back at her. Maybe she isn't too bad.

It was midday. They sat in a circle on the beach once more, eating. The group consisted of girls and boys all different ages, basically the kids of the clan. Aonung munched on kelp, sitting on his lap was a leaf of fish. Next to him, sat close, was Eemai. He thought by this time, he would feel something for her, but he didn't. All he saw was a pretty face, not someone he could love for the rest of his life. The group buzzed with excitement of the upcoming Tulkun migration back to the cove. He smiled at the thought of seeing his spirit brother.

A nudge took him from his thoughts, "Do you want to come?" It was Emmai. She looked up at him through her long eyelashes.

"Sorry, where?" he blinked a few times, taking a piece of fish from the leaf in his lap. He placed it in his mouth. It was a very tender fish, feeling as if it was melting in his mouth.

"To ride Ilus?" she looked hopeful.

He looked away, "No, I need to prepare for my coming of age ceremony," he lied. He had grown to like the past few nights he spent with the comatosed Omatikaya. He didn't know why, but he felt like he could spend all day there, with him. Eemai didn't respond, she just stood with the group, leaving Aonung sitting on the sand.

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