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Aonung swiped his hand over his brow as sweat cascaded down his back. His muscles worked under his skin as he pulled the two mangrove posts together. Tysirea had wove strong cord around them, finally placing a knot, securing them in place.

"You can let go now," she called, stepping back as she did so.

He released his hold on the posts slowly, listening for any indication that the rope was going to snap. When he felt safe, he let them go completely. His shoulders ached dully, but he ignored it. He turned, watching as his mother, Neytiri, Tysirea, and Neteyam weaved what would be the flooring of his new mauri. His mother was the one to bring this up. She had grown to accept Neteyam, but still scolded Aonung. Aonung lumbered over to where his mate was, sitting down. He watched Neteyam's hands, which moved slowly. He reached out, picking up strands of fiber.

"Watch, if you do it this way it is a lot faster," he patted the boy's shoulder, demonstrating. Neteyam watched quietly, before nodding. Aonung continued weaving the material, glancing over at Neteyam's work every once in a while.


Aonung swiped at his brow, the sun beating down at him. He had finished his section, and was now sitting watching Neteyam. The boy was finishing up now. His mother and Neytiri had finished long ago, leaving the two boys alone.

"And done!" Neteyam threw his hands up dramatically, falling back onto the tightly woven membrane. The flooring of their mauri had been completed, leaving the roof to be completed. Aonung laughed, pushing himself to his feet. He grasped the boy's waist, lifting him into the air. Neteyam screamed, playfully pounding his fist onto Aonung's chest.

"Put me down!" Aonung shook his head no, walking down to the beach. Their mauri was situated right on the outskirts of the village, closer to the beach than the village.

He waded out into the water, until it met his knees. He then tossed Neteyam into it, watching as he tried to keep his head above water. He almost succeeded, but was swallowed by a wave. Aonung cackled as Neteyam surfaced, reaching his long, slender arms out for Aonung. He grasped at the boy's hip, yanking him down. His knees buckled, but instead of being submerged in the water, he simply fell onto his butt.

"Not fair," Neteyam pouted, jumping on him. He pushed the Metkayina's head under the water. Aonung tried to come back up, but Neteyam held him firmly there. He placed his hands on Neteyam's sides, tickling him. The forest boy seemingly locked up, jumping backwards. Aonung surfaced, clasping his hands around Neteyam. He laid back in the water, allowing his body to float along with the current. Neteyam squirmed for a while, before settling down. The ocean was cool, with a crisp smell of salt to it. It was relaxing to Aonung, he didn't know about Neteyam. Either way, they needed a break. They had been working on the weaving for a week. All they had left to do was get the roof, and siding tied down, and all would be good.

There was a small tinge of sadness from both boys, they would miss living with their parents, but we're excited for this new life together. The entirety of Awa'atlu knew of them mating in secret, courtesy of his mother.

They had dozed off, floating around in the small cove that had formed from large corals, when they heard the shout of Tysirea.

"Aonung, mother has gone into labor!" His head snapped up, in the direction of the beach. They had floated about 50 feet out from shore at this point. He began to swim, dragging there disgruntled Neteyam with him.

"Where is she?" he breathed out, helping Neteyam to his feet. She had been having pains all morning, but from what he was hearing from Tsireya, contractions had started. Metkayina births were under water, where it was easier on the mothers. They wouldn't have to worry about gravity pushing down on them. It was one less stressor.

"The small cove beyond the village, if we hurry we can make it," Aonung glanced at Neteyam, who looked uneasy.

"I'll just, stay back," he scratched his neck, smiling.

Aonung raised a brow at him, "Alright, if that is what you want. I will be back," he wrapped his hand around the other's waist, pulling him into a quick kiss.

Then, the siblings were off.

Always There - Neteyam x AonungWhere stories live. Discover now