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Yes, I am alive. I hope to start posting more, I now have a laptop to write on. Sorry to everyone who enjoys this story!

It had been several months of the pair living in the Hallelujah Mountains. It was surreal for Aonung. He had never been anywhere else besides the reef. He had never expected to leave his home at all, now he was thousands of feet above the ground, in a floating island's cave. There were many new people who were mesmerized by his appearance. He knew how Neyteyam felt the day he arrived at the Metkayina's island. It was as if he was a new baby learning his first steps all over again. He had to adapt to the Omatikaya's way of life. He got the hang of their ways soon enough. He was accepted so quick, in fact, today was the day he would tame his own Ikran. This was a feat, from his knowledge, that a reef Na'vi had never completed. They just weren't built to fly. They were stocky, chests vastly broader than a forest Na'vi. Their large, paddle-like tails helped in the water, but not in the air. He was told it would offput his balance, but he did not care. He was excited, and didn't care about the repercussions.

Aonung sat between Neyetam's legs, inside of the small tent that they shared. It was reminiscent of the one they built back at the reef village, but had differences. This mauri was woven from great leaves, which had been dried in a certain way to preserve their intricate colors, and details. From a far, they looked almost a muddy green, but as you got closer, you could see the explosion of color. It was as if a rainbow had been weaved into the leaf matter. The pair were only lit by a dim fire, which resided outside of the mauri. This is where they shared many a dinner together, talking about family, and Aonung's betrayal. Neteyam was home sick, but would never admit that to his mate. Yes, he was back home, but he didn't realize how much the Metkayina lands had become home to him while there. He missed his family, and the new friends he had made on the way. And all that was ripped from him. He wasn't bitter towards Aonung about the situation, but why was it so bad to not be Olo'eytan? He didn't have any responsibilities anymore. Neteyam didn't understand. On Aonung's side, it was all he thought about. He grieved the loss of the title more than the loss of his loved ones, and his clan. He was hurt that his father could do that, stripping his dignity away with the title. However, he appreciated Neteyam by his side for all of it. The first few days were the worst, and Neteyam was there to pull him through it all. There were a couple close calls where Aonung wanted to go back, and confront his dad, but Neteyam stopped him. It was pointless, what was done was done. He wouldn't be ashamed of his mate, however. He paraded him around the cavern, showing him off any time he could.

"I'm excited!" Aonung chirped, pulling Neteyam from his thoughts. Neteyam gave him a worried look, his hand sliding down Aonung's leg, which had healed nicely.

"I'm just worried something will happen, like with that... beast," Neteyam turned his head away from his mate, peering out the mauri to the open landscape of Pandora.

Aonung's brows furrowed, a look of disappointment washing over his face. "The Akula is a disturbed creature, but I was the one who attacked it first. I was just trying to protect my clan. It turned out, it had a calf. In a way we were just trying to protect what was important to us." The disappointment on his face quickly turned to disgust. "I risked my life for my clan's safety and dad disregarded that completely. I just wish I could get to see the baby grow up."

Neteyam bit his lip, ignoring the obvious he wanted to let out. He pushed off the ground, moving towards the entrance of the Mauri. "Let's go, Sylwan is probably waiting for us." Instead of answering, Aonung shot up, following the younger out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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