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Aonung woke up in me medical mauri. He stared downward at his leg. It was immobilized from the knee down, bound with thick bones. Precise weaving of dried leaves held them tightly onto his leg. He looked around the room. He was alone. Aonung sat up, folding his uninjured leg towards his body. Beside him was a crutch made from mangrove branches. He grabbed it, trying to use it as leverage to get up. He failed, falling back onto his butt. From behind, arms laced under his own, hoisting him up. The person placed their chin on his shoulder, placing the crutch under his armpit.

"You scared me, you know that?" Neteyam whispered in his ear. Aonung slowly turned himself around, holding his injured lower leg off the ground. His face softened when his eyes met with Neteyam's.

"I'm sorry, I just... couldn't let that happen to anyone else, especially you." Aonung caressed the Omatikaya's cheek. Neteyam smiled brightly, placing a peck on the other's lips. Aonung slowly hobbled to the entrance of the pod, Neteyam following at his heels. He held onto Aonung, making sure he wasn't going to fall. Aonung leaned against the framing of the doorway.

"Seeing you like that, leg bent out of shape, pouring blood," Neteyam placed his hand on Aonung's shoulder. "terrified me. Then you collapsed, I didn't know what to do. Me and Lo'ak carried you here. Your mom thought you were gonna loose your leg."

"Do you have those teeth?" Neteyam raised his brows, trotting over to a basket on the other side of the room. Aonung watched as he knelt down, swishing his tail as he dug through it. He stood, making his way back to Aonung. He held the bundle of teeth out, which had been tied together. Aonung had gotten five, which makes the total he has six, counting the one around his neck. He thanked the Omatikaya, taking them in his grasp. He inspected each one, flipping them in his hands.

"When will the funeral be?" Aonung tucked the teeth into the waistband of his loincloth. Neteyam's eyes darted away from Aonung's gaze. "What, Neteyam?"

"It has been done, you were out for a couple days." Aonung stared out at the beach, which was obscured by a few mauris.

"I will go pay my respects, then," he pushed off of the doorway, slowly making his way down the walkway towards the beach.

"No, you can go when you are healed." Neteyam caught his arm, stopping him in his tracks. Aonung whirled his head around, face to face with the other boy.

"Who are you, my mom?" he snapped, instant regret washing through him when he saw Neteyam's eyes flash with hurt. He sighed, "I'm sorry, I know you're right." Aonung wrapped an arm around Neteyam. Neteyam sighed, pulling away.

"Let me braid your hair, it's all matted from being down," Neteyam changed the subject, not meeting Aonung's gaze. Aonung nodded, slowly making his way down to the beach.


Aonung sat with his broken leg extended, the other one pulled to his body. Behind him knelt Neteyam, who sectioned the injured boy's hair. He delicately weaved the strands atop his head, tightening it down afterward.

"You don't have to be so gentle," he mused, leaning into the boy's touch.

"I know, but you're hurt."

"I didn't break my neck, did I?" Aonung smirked, causing the other boy to wack him in the head. "What was that for?"

"Being a skxqwng, that's what," Neteyam laughed, but then took on a more serious tone, "What do we tell the adults, about us?"

Aonung sat silently for a moment, which caused the other boy to begin to aggressively braid his hair. "I don't know."

"You don't know? Do you just want them to figure it out on their own?" Neteyam sounded agitated, but calmed his hands. He was back to being gentle.

"No I don't, I just don't know," Aonung rubbed his face slowly.

"Why not?"

"Because I am expected to produce the next Olo'eyktan."

"Can't Lo'ak and Tsireya?" Neteyam sounded annoyed.

Aonung had never thought of that, "I guess so."

"Then what is the problem?"

"There isn't one," Aonung sighed. Neteyam finished his braids, twisting his hair up into a bun. He moved to sit down next to Aonung. He glanced around, before landing a peck on the others' lips.

Always There - Neteyam x AonungWhere stories live. Discover now