Chapter 16

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Sonic was going to murder Shadow; he would be finding the most torturous way to kill the ebony hedgehog without hurting himself. The blue hero couldn't help but scream as he landed in the familiar pool that haunted his dreams. A couple of other splashes alerted him to the others. Someone hauled him up out of the water and onto the side. 

Upon opening his eyes he noticed it was Dash and Rose leaning over him in concern, Dash was smiling while Rose frowned at him.. 

"Don't even start" Sonic grumbled climbing to his feet only to gasp, Shadow was holding Silver close to his chest while he healed the hedgehog who was unfortunate enough to snap his arm. Sonic ran over, and grabbed Shadows' ear harshly, "What did you do!" Sonic shouted in his fathering tone. Shadow only glared, having healed Silver who had retreated into Shade's arms. "Nothing, I misjudged and shoved Silver into the direction of the pool while I hit the solid ground, he is fine"  Shadow said with a grumble, pulling himself to his feet adjusting his rings that were digging into his wrists.

"Alien!" Dash cried out running to hide behind Sonic who moved to the front when a young man stepped out with a baseball bat threatening whoever was on his lawn. Shadow only crossed his arms allowing Sonic to deal with this knowing the hero was better at this than him. He smirked when he felt a certain power, his bike. He could summon it which meant they had landed in…he groaned to himself knowing what was coming. 



The human was quick to hug the speedster. 

"Argh! You're wet! Sonic, did you fall in the pool again! What are you doing back here!" Chris exclaimed, looking past Sonic to see a particular grumpy hedgehog and four other ones using Shadow as a barricade. They were all soaking wet with the exception of Shadow who looked to be in pain from his eyes blinking and him leaning further on his right side. 

"Can we come in? I can explain more but I'm freezing and so are the kids" Sonic urged, Chris nodded gesturing for them to be quiet since it was during the night. Shadow moved forward looking more miserable as Dash and Rose clung to his hands. Looking down at the younger ones made him think back to that conversation he had with Amy just before Dash was born.

The Memory…

They had argued yet again leading to Sonic walking out and Shadow putting both Shade and Silver to bed. The ultimate lifeform currently sat watching some obnoxious show on the television that Sonic had while Tails worked on some invention at the kitchen table when the door went. 

Tails instantly went to answer it. There at the door was Amy Rose who held a small bundle in her arms. It had been the bundle Shadow had argued about claiming Sonic needed to spend time with his daughter while the hero called her a mistake and wanted nothing to do with her. Shadow tried to argue that he had forgiven him and children shouldn't be abandoned. Shadow was trying to point out that it wasn't Rose's fault. Sonic wasn't having it and he left. 

"Hey, Shadow? Can we talk?" Amy asked, the ultimate lifeform nodded directing Amy into the small office Shadow had set up in Sonics house. Tails smiled offering Amy some water. She took it, entering the room with Shadow closing the door.

The Ultimate Lifeform gestured to the seat, Amy took the one opposite him. Silence filled the area where they sat on the sofas for a few minutes with the two contemplating what to say.

"Shadow, I have something big to ask"

"Go on" 

"Is there a chance…em…that if anything happens to me, could you take Rose?" 

A Protective Light In The Darkness ( Book Two) (Sonadow) - COMPLETED! Where stories live. Discover now