Chapter 24

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Shadow hung his head trying to not remember Espio's face when the chameleon went down hard. 

"So, he's alive?" Ray asked, Shadow could only nod, "Where is he?" Mighty pressed the question. Shadow could only sigh climbing out of Sonic's lap, he walked over to the chart on the wall and pulled out a very old map hidden behind it. Kaze was in shock he never showed the ebony hedgehog that. 

"Crystal Cave? Are you sure dad?" Shade asked, recognising the place Violet had first teleported the hedgehog siblings on the search for Shadow. 

"Yeah, he is. Back where Infinite was discovered. Espio is the one in the coffin. I need to get to him and I can reawaken him but the problem is…Zanic needs Espio, Silver and Violet to create eternal darkness" Shadow answered, holding his side as he struggled to breathe. A hand rubbed his back in comfort, revealing to be Sonic who held him close. 

"Thanks" Shadow grunted out, "So, Sally's theory about him being in you is wrong?" Shadow looked up in shock when the squirrel blushed. "Technically yes. We bonded so I can feel him and seek him out but I can't visibly show you him without him being awake. He didn't have time to tell me what happened at the Shinobi Clan but there was one thing different about him" Shadow muttered, moving closer to Sonic's chest. 

"What was it?" Ray asked, moving over to seek out the answer. 

"He wore a type of symbol in a chain across his head…" Shadow mumbled out, "It means he is the leader of the Clan" Mighty explained, "Was it a yellow or red colour?" The armadillo pressed his question. 

"Red why?" 

Mighty could only sigh, "That means the Shinobi Clan are at war. Espio is in mourning but fighting for what's left of the colony. It also means, Silas is gone" The armadillo explained connecting eyes with Violet who nodded along.

Silence filled the room for a few minutes after the armadillo said that. Griffin whined in Mighty's arms reaching for Knuckles who took him. Violet sighed. 

"How long until you are well enough to teleport?" Violet directed her question at Shadow who could only mumble something about being the ultimate lifeform. "He said give him a few hours rest" Sonic translated for them all. 


Shadow opened his eyes looking directly at his son who asked the question they all wondered.

"Where are your inhibitor rings?" Dash asked, Shadow looked down at his wrists and feet to notice his skates were missing too. He cursed in his own language as he tried to will them back only to frown. 

"Skates are on the bench, Shads" Sonic pointed over to his shoes beside Tails and Sally. 

"I haven't got an answer for that" Shadow said, looking at his wrists to where his glowing chaos energy was unprotected by the missing rings. 

"I have an idea. If your theory about Espio is true. I have a feeling Espio has them" Rose spoke up from where she had remained silent beside her hammer throwing mother. 

"It would explain how you can feel him unless you are withholding information from us…" Amy threatened, Shadow only scowled. "Espio is the god of light of the realm, it's how he managed to bring everyone back from the dead while I'm the god of darkness. It's another reason why Zanic is after Silver because he is a mix of both pure chaos and light. Shade and Dash have pure chaos powers but only Silver has the light in him from my white power" Shadow explained, looking down as he put his feet into the skates that were his own. 

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