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He held losely onto Carls hand, half of the boys face wrapped up in Soft gauze, his hair messy. He heaved. Ron watched his Family get ripped apart, His Best friend Shoot out Carl's eye. He was aiming for either him or Rick. His body Trembled, his eyes glossy as he tried to contain his crying.
Carl, The boy that he adored was laying in bed, his body limp. He didn't move. It sounded like he wasn't even breathing. He choked on a sob, Brining up Carl's hand and pressed his knuckles to his lips. Kissing them with care. He held his hand to his lips. Gasping between sobs. He didn't know how he should feel. His best friend Dead. There was probably nothing left of him by now. God, Even Enid might be dead.

The door flew open, Ron quickly dropped Carl's hand and lifted his head to see who it was.
It was Michonne. Covered in blood from the walkers shed disposed of. She dropped her chest, holding her breath, her blade dropping to the floor, rushing to Carl's side, Grasping onto his other hand. Michonne smiled, Her hand pressing against his Cheek.
"Hey baby.," she whispered, Pressing a kiss to her stepson's forehead. Ron watched, tucking his hand into the sleeve of his flannel, drying his face. He watched Michonne show affection to the boy.

"He'll be okay" she whispered, reaching over with a free hand and grasped onto Ron's. He looked at her. He tried to search something in her eyes, but she herself didn't even know if he were going to live.
"I want to believe that, but I don't know if I can" He spoke In a whisper, Daryl and Glenn rushing in moments later, leaning over the bed to check on Carl. Though, They've been warned not to enter. When Carl wakes up he'd probably be in some kind of shock. They left knowing that He was breathing. Michonne left moments after.

Ron licked his lower lip out of nervousness, Grasping onto Carl's hand, Breaking out into yet another sob. He was there, of course he was.
His dad was a doctor, Ron tried to follow in His steps by trying to help Denise save Carl. Michonne was out of it. Way out of it. When Daryl Laid Carl down onto the bed, She was right back outside, Killing off what Hissed and growled. Then others joined in. Ron stayed by Carl's side.

Now, He was here. Waiting for Carl to wake. But he knew well he wouldn't suddenly wake up with Ron by his side. The boy he adored laid Silently. His breathing steady, and left no sign that he'd be alright.
Ron opened his mouth to speak, but it felt like if he said anything he'd Let it all go and throw up. His hand squeezed around Carl's, shifting in his Seat and leaned Forward, hoping he was able to hear.

"Its safe now,." He spoke In a low whisper. "But today, I saw., everything. I'm sorry." He mumbled. "We can., Rebuild everything till you wake up, no matter how long it is" He smiled weakly.

"But today I also--" He swallowed thickly, looking down and loosened his grasp on Carl's hand. "I also., Lost you" he whined, his eyes narrowing.
"I lost everyone but- Seeing you on the ground-" He whispered, shaking his head "losing you would just., fucking Kill me" he scoffed, his eyes narrowed.

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