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He didn't know how he ended up, leaning against a tree, blood staining his side, and a peice of glass laying limp in his hand.
He heaved, Tears falling down his cheek as Rosita had stood beside him, he wanted the warmth of his mother's arms and the voice of his lover. But he watched Negan get escorted away while his mind had fallen apart while he let those around him, down.

But how could one end up here?


Laying by Ron's side, was Carl. It was like switched places, Carl now hoping Ron would wake up, that this wound didn't do anything major to his body but leave a scar.
His head was rested on Ron's thigh, hand tightly held onto Ron's, he knew that whispering to Ron wouldn't wake him, so why was he still doing it? Maybe foolish hope. But he had faith that Ron would wake up and tell Carl that everything was okay, but it was Carl's Chance to rant his heart out to his lover. And he was. He whispered to Ron how much he loved him.
Carl couldn't take another Death, especially one of his boyfriend being the one they might have to bury. The doctor they had was Dead, but thanks to Oceansides doctor, she given him a chance at living. There was always a chance, but while bleeding out, there isn't.
Thankfully, There had been someone that  had the same blood what Daryl has. It can do with anyone's. He huffed, feeling a hand press to his shoulder.

"Carl, it's time." Glenn whispered, Pressing a kiss to the back of Carl's head, trying to wake him up the best possible way, but Carl had gotten up without any issues. He wanted to get this done.
They were going to do the outposts to get some kind of leverage. Wipe out most of Negans men.
But Carl was off to do something different. He found where Shane would be. Henry had told him.
Carl slammed the Car door harshly behind him, anger In anything he did.

"Let me go with ya' " Daryl mumbled once Carl rolled down his window. Carl shook his head. "Dont worry. Im just going on a run" He smiled, eye narrowing, a lie to the man's face. Daryl fell silent, nodding. "Kay" He smiled, Pressing a kiss to the crown of Carl's head before he'd drove off.

Carl had thought about the many ways he'd die. To walkers, ripped apart and toyed with. Left to the hands of another being. Suicide. Carl thought about it.
Taking the easy way out had never left Carl's mind once. But Carl was too scared to. It sat like a rock in his stomach.
He couldn't imagine having to end his own life like Michonne did. He swallowed thickly upon allowing himself to re-live those moments in his mind. The sound of his gun going off and The thud to Michonnes hand on the burned wood she died on.

He pulled over, parking the truck and rested his Head against the wheel, Tears swelling in his eyes, trying to get this feeling out of him.
"You alright down there?" Shane's voice came from the radio. "I know it's you little man. I know that hat from anywhere."  Shane chuckled before clicking off and waited for Carl to speak. But he didn't.

Boys of Tomorrow | Rarl (Carl x Ron) Where stories live. Discover now