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He held Judith snug in his arms, she was shifting against his shoulder, her hair tickling at His chin. Tears were sitting in his eyegl.
She let out a whine, her small hand reaching up to Touch Carl's Cheek. Baby's feel emotion from others, is what Michonne tells him. Her eyes were glossy, probably wondering why her brother was feeling the way he was. For a toddler, She felt a lot of things. Understood more than she should.
"I'm sorry Jude.," Carl croaked out, forcing a smile, Patting his little sisters back.
"I love you to the moon and back, Yknow?" He whispered, taking Judith to the window and gaze outside. He leaned on the wall, Judith had lifted her head to stare at the stars. "That one right there-" He whispered, pointing out the window to the stars that shaped something.
"Thats the little dipper." He hummed, "If you're ever lost, just follow it and you'll be home." He whispered.
"And by day, you keep the sun on your shoulders." He smiled, Bouncing the little girl in his arms with care.
She'd fallen sleep moments later.
He was careful when placing her down, Planting a soft kiss to the crown of her head, brushing his fingers through her hair.
"I love you so much, Jude" He whispered, brushing his fingers through her hair a little long till a knock came from the door. Carl looked over his shoulders to See Sasha.
She was smiling, arms crossed over her chest. Carl smiled, making his way over as she pulled him into a hug.
"Mm, heading out?" He hummed, pulling from the hug, letting her arms rest around his shoulder. She nodded, brushing her fingers through his hair.

"Yes sir" She chuckled, tilting her head. "Just wanted to say Bye to you before heading out" She held the smile to her lips.
"You're coming back, Right?" He questioned, his eye narrowing with concern. She nodded once more. "Always. When I get back, I'll teach you how to braid your hair" She winked, pulling into a hug once more before leaving off down the stairs.
He followed behind her, Of course he wasn't right hot on her heels, but enough to keep up with her pace. "You think I can-"

"No way in hell are you comin' with me" She chuckled, Taking Carl's had from his hands that he grabbed from the counter and put it right back. "You gotta stay here and Help Michonne" She hummed,
"If anyone of Negans men comes, you know what to do" She smiled, Planting a kiss on the crown of Carl's head.
Then had given him a peace sign, as a goodbye. She'd done it with Abraham, he'd noticed it at the line up.
He returned the sign. She smiled, it felt sad though. But it was the response she'd been waiting for.

"I'll be back, Promise." She chuckled, and with a skip she was out the door.

Carl stood there, of course he had time to think about everything. His boyfriend stuck at Hilltop.
He plopped himself onto the couch, trying to hide himself in the comfort of the pillows. He'd gained about a few hours of sleep without Ron being around. Thankfully they both were.
Carl that night had fallen asleep on the couch. Being tucked away in the corners made him feel comfortable, held.
His body felt like it were melting into the mists of slumber, his mind blank. He can't remember if he had any sort of dream.
The dreams about losing someone had stopped for a while. But of course not for long. What felt like a bliss turned into blaze, Burning at his eyes as he twisted and turned, trying to get away from the horrific sight of losing Abraham. Alexandria being set a blaze while Carl ran through the thick smoke that Burned the tears away.
Then he woke, his face tucked away in the crook of Someone's neck, being carried up the stairs to his room.

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