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What could be an 'it'

Maybe someone that no one could talk about.
Someone's name that no one could bring up.
'It' , had a name.

"Thats no way to greet your dad, Ron" his voice rang in his mind, His lifted his hands to cup over his ears, as if Ron didn't see Pete, he couldn't see Ron.
"Why didn't you pull that trigger. Yknow they'll kill you too" he scoffed, Standing in the dark room with Ron.
He shook his head. "I was scared" Ron lied, pushing himself into the corner that felt safest to him.

"They're gunna Kill me" Ron Whispered to himself, keeping his hands cupped over his ears, but Pete's voice wouldn't die out. "Not if you kill them all first" He scoffed, leaning back on the wall.

"No-" Ron croaked out,. "I won't kill them. I don't want to kill them" he felt tears swell in his eyes.
He noticed Pete was closer than before, Ron's blood running cold, shaking his head.
"After all I fucking did for you, THIS. Is how you repay me? You can't kill the--" He trailed off.

"You.. little. Fag." Those words burned through his skin, Pete's laugh ringing through his mind. "Jesus Mickey told me about it, but God I didn't want to believe it" He let out a breathless laugh.

"Ronny-" he reached Forward, Grasping onto the boys arms, his nails digging into  Ron's arms. The boy winced and tried pulling back. "No one, will ever love you as much as I do!" He shouted, His breath that stank of Alcohol cought his nose and caused his head to turn away
"No!" Ron cried out, trying to push Pete off him. "Carl loves me! Mom and Sam!" The tears in his eyes felt like acid.

"They loved me, what you did wasn't love at all!" He sobbed Out, finally pushing Pete back. "I love Carl- I fucking- Love him!" He shouted, pushing the man back by his Sholders.
"Jesus Ron. You are fucked up. You actually like that Cyclops?" He laughed, a hand reaching up to run his face.
"I thought your Useless ass was going to do something right for once." He heaved, glaring at Ron.
He swallowed thickly.

"What I did right was not pulling that trigger." He hissed. Pete fell silent, a nervous smirk pulling at Ron's lips. "Not so fuckin' talkative now, huh?" He scoffed,
"You got yourself killed, Pete." He breathed out. "I loved you like a dad. And I did everything for you to love me too, but I don't need that anymore because people love me now" He heaved, his eyes narrowing.
He knew this was a dream. But seeing his dad made him feel somewhat comforted. He remembers when his dad was never a drunk. He'd spend time with Ron and Sam. He was the one to Help Ron hold same, it's probably his fondest moment of his father, even the times when Ron cried over a nightmare, He'd have his mom and him lay in Ron's bed, hold him close and say that everything was fine.
Then the world ended. Things were small, first it was hits to the hand, shouting and Slamming doors. Jessie was first time point it out. He started drinking around that time too.

"I just wanted you to love me like I was still a kid" He shook his head, glancing at Pete. The man's eyes were soft. But deep down he knew that Pete didn't care. He was only staying silent because Ron could no longer hear his voice. The soft voice he uses for Ron when he was sad; no more Kiddo, Buddy, Little man. It was Ron. He was an adult. And he couldn't change his dad like Jessie said he would.
And in the end, he was left of the Andersons Family.

He woke, his cheek dried with tears, laying flat on his back, a raspy voice coming from the other side of the room.
"You alright?" He grumbled, getting ready early in the morning. The man was shaving the bush off his face.
Ron rubbed his eyes, nodding to himself. "Yeah- just not used to having my sleeping buddy around." He shrugged to himself, the man scoffed.

"You alright?" Ron tilted his head, sitting up and pushed himself against the wall to wake himself up
"Yeah. Just gettin' ready" He shrugged. "Who's this sleepin' buddy o' yours?" He questioned, cocking up his brow before Glancing to the boy.

"Its your son, Rick" He chuckled, Slipping out of bed, the man shrugged, letting out a Scoff. "Thats a little bit of a surprise" He grumbled. "Him? Needin' some buddy?" He questioned, dragging a hand down his face.
Yes. The Rick grimes everyone had said that had gone missing. No one knew where hes went to. Had been found by Daryl. Carl doesn't know. And Michonne doesn't know when to tell him, or even how. Rick had joined the war.
He'd been Ignoring Lori who'd been around, Both able to stand each other. And God, Carl was a lot like Rick.
He got his stubbornness, probably the sassy walk from his mom, But gosh he got many things from his dad.
Like when they'd put their hands on their hips trying to be strong, maybe when they both tilt their head when They're angry or getting ready to absolutely rock someone's shit.
He tossed on his brown coat with pink fur. He says it blood from those who crossed paths with him and didn't make it out.
Ron gotten dressed, following behind Rick once he had finished. Though the man were used to his gun (which Carl had.) Being in his Holster, he carried around a larger one to replace it. A thumb hooked in the hem of his pants and the other held around the body of the gun. No one knew who Michonne was doing in Alexandria. They knew Negan was planning to attack there next. Since the ones who strolled right up to his doors were, From Alexandria.
But she felt distant.
Even over the walkie-talkies, Carl said she'd asked him to do a lot of things a day ago. Hand prints on the porch of their house, along with a photo or Two and planting the flower seeds that She found on a run a week or two ago.

With a skip, Ron hugged Maggie who had offered him one, Glenn decided to join in and Drag Enid along, a groan of annoyance leaving the girl, but she given in moments later.
"Its nice to see you back, Rick." She smiled, Her head Tilting, bringing the man into a hug, he had returned it. "I'm glad to see you all okay." He whispered, smiling at Glenn. He smiled in return as well, bringing each other into a hug.

"We got the upper hand." Rick started, glancing to the table with the map ontop. "This negan prick might be strolling through the gates and we need a plan for the others to get out." He was worried for his Son, who hadn't known Rick was back. Maggie nodded, waving her hand to Daryl who rushed over, peaking over Ron's shoulder.

"I'll go back, Carl n' I had a plan to take Judith here." He nodded.
Each had nodded in understanding and agreement. And so it started.
This time, things were going to go their way.



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