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He lifted the metal plate and shoved it onto the hood of the car, using his hips to hold it up while Eral put it in place.
Carl and Eral never seemed to have Gotten along. He doesn't even know why.
Eral popped a cigarette into his mouth, lighting it with a match, taking his sweet time.
"You mind hurrying up, I got stuff I need to--"

"I dont take no orders from some Fag." He hissed, Flicking his Cigarette ashes at Carl. Everyone had fallen silent, Staring at the two of them. Carl let the metal plate slide off, Staring at Eral.
"What are you gunna do? Bend over and try to get me to do somethin'?" He smirked, his head Tilting.
"What-" Carl mumbled, feeling his hands Trembling from the wave of shock.
Carl stared at him In disgust, he felt his cheeks Flume with Embarrassment. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and stared. Let alone, Carl didn't know what the term he used to call Carl even was.
"Cmon. You probably bend over for free."  He scoffed.
"Hey- you need to piss off." Tara snapped in, Only hearing a little bit of the conversation, She pushed Eral back, the man playing an amused smile.
"Get going." She hissed, of course, a man like Earl would cower away and run off when someone else got a say in the matter.
Carl stood in shock, hus glanced Shared between Tara and a few others.
"Get back to it! Nosy assholes." She scoffed, taking the drill and nodded to herself. Everyone had gotten back to what they were doing, Tara helped Carl with The Car he was supposed to finish about thirty minutes ago.
He glanced at Tara, giving her an awkward smile.

Everything was Silent, the eyes peeling away. Of course, Hilltop was expecting Negans men to come Guns blazing through the gates sometime soon. Judith was taken to The kingdom in the mean time.
He ran his fingers through his hair, staying outside while everyone else flooded into the buildings. Carl leaned on the car, his arms crossing over his chest, glancing at the saviors That Maggie captured, aka; given up.
Alden had been holding onto the fence, watching Carl. Looking like he Wanted Carl to March over and shoot them.
Carl's lips thinned, looking around before he pushed himself off the hood of the car and made his way to the man.

"Glad you understood the look" the man smiled, Leaning on the fence. Carl crossed his arms over his chest. Alden had moved away from the other men who had been inside.
"I know you hate Negan for what he done." He nodded, his eyes narrowing. "But let us help you" he breathed out, his head tilting. "Half of these men in here are good people. You have every reason to believe that Were not. But give us a chance."
Carl's eye narrowed, leaning against the fence pole, Alden wasn't harsh to Carl, no. He was around Carl's age, Even Ron's.

"Negan is coming. I know he is, he knows you're here." Alden nodded. "I want to help keep you people safe."

Carl's head tilted, shaking his head. "No." He scoffed. "I can't believe you. Plus I made him a promise I'd kill every single one of his men." Carl's gaze dropped. "You'll have to wait." He added on, looking at Alden. His face calm.

"I understand." He whispered, Carl swallowed thickly.
"Do you though?" Carl scoffed, his hands resting on his Hips. "Yeah, I do."

Boys of Tomorrow | Rarl (Carl x Ron) Where stories live. Discover now