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He let out a low Hum. Feeling the warmth of Someone's hands in his hair.
His head was against Carl's Chest. His hum was low, weak. Yet it felt strong.
Carl was never the one to sing. He was experimenting is what Ron guessed. He acted like he were sleeping. Carl's fingers brushing through his hair. His heart-beat let relief run through Ron's body. Carl's breathing was deep. Steady and not rushed.
Ron felt his cheeks burn, sitting up to look at Carl. The boys eye half lidded, his cheeks pink. His hair scattered underneath him.

"Morning" he mumbled, Shifting under Ron. The boys gaze so soft. Carl smiled. Ron adores the way his eye curves with the lift of his lips. His cheeks fluming with pinks.
Ron brushed his fingers through Carl's hair. Pushing his smooth lush strands behind his ear. Cupping the boys face. They stayed Silent. Carl's smile fell into a focused, But soft look.
He let his fingers thread through Ron's hair, his slim fingers cold against his skin.  they were inches away once more, Carl's Eye becoming half lidded as they leaned for each other, Carl's hand falling to the nape of Ron's neck to draw him closer.
A hurried knock came from the door. Both Boys freezing. Each Letting out a disappointed sigh, Ron moved off Carl and stood, going to the door and opened it, Enid pushed it open the rest of the way and let herself in. Sitting on the bed, glancing at the two.
"I've talked to the three of them, Two of the three are Annoying." She scoffed, laying her head back into Carl's lap. He let out a hum.

"And that's because?" He asked hesitantly, Enid lifted her hands to push hair from her face.
"All of them but Henry are lacking a fucking Love life." She scoffed, Shaking her head. "Emma asked if you guys were single."

"And you said??" Ron chimed In, looking at Enid, fishing through his bag for a fresh pair of Clothes. Enid shrugged, Rom couldn't get her to answer if he tried
Carl nodded to himself, Patting Enids shoulder, she took the hint and sat up, Allowing Carl to stand and change for the day.
Of course, neither of them had a problem with seeing Each other Change. Ron though.. he couldn't help but peak at Carl through the corner of his eye. His waist was thin. Huggable. Perfect Curves. And when he lifted his arms to pull a shirt over his head, there would be a arch in his back that made Ron's eyes drop a little lower till he got a good glimpse.
Ron pulled a shirt over his head, peaking over at Carl once more.
He was Wearing Ron's Brown Flannel. He couldn't help but smile. His blue Jeans and Grey shirt went well with it. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

"We've been invited to a party tonight" Enid piped up, kicking Ron's Leg. He let out a grunt, almost dropping to the floor from the sudden impact.
"Cool" Carl mumbled, fixing the flannel over his shoulders. "I dunno if I'm gonna go though." He looked over his shoulder. Back to Enid. She shrugged, yanking at Carl's bag and tool the tenis ball from the middle pocket and tossed it into the air, catching it with ease.

Boys of Tomorrow | Rarl (Carl x Ron) Where stories live. Discover now