Chapter Five

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"Do you see her?" Robin asked, her eyes darting all over the bar in search of Vickie's red hair. Now that they were here, it was really starting to feel real.

"Robs, relax. We've been here for about 3 seconds." Priscilla chuckled. "She might not be here yet, and that's okay."

Robin nodded. She just couldn't keep her nerves in check. Was she psyching herself up too much for this? What if Vickie truly had just asked her if she would be here tonight because she knew Robin was friends with Eddie? Maybe this was intended to be just a casual meet up with a friend and Robin was blowing this way out of the water because her friends had insisted it was more than that. She didn't know who to be more mad at: her friends for encouraging this or herself for listening to them.

"Look!" Priscilla exclaimed, pointing at someone. When Robin looked, she felt a wave of disappointment crash over her. It was just Steve.

"Hey!" Steve waved as he headed in their direction. "Whoa," He commented, noticing Priscilla's outfit. "You look... You look..." Steve began to get tongue tied.

"Hot." Eddie said, appearing from behind Steve. He looked as if actual drool was coming out of his mouth at the sight of her; like he hadn't eaten for days and she looked delectable.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your show?" Priscilla inquired, crossing her arms over her chest and covering her exposed skin.

Eddie frowned when Priscilla blocked his view of her cleavage. "I had to come see my best girl, first." He moved his gaze from her chest up to her face and gave her a smirk.

Before Priscilla could respond, Robin audibly gasped and caught everyone's attention. "Oh, my god. There's Vickie." Robin pointed over towards the bar where Vickie was standing and seemingly waiting for the bartender to notice her so she could order a drink.

"Go, go!" Priscilla nudged Robin. "Buy her a drink!"

When Robin looked at Priscilla, she looked like a lost puppy dog. Her mouth was turned down into an anxious frown. Her eyes looked as if they were screaming 'help me'. "Come with me." Robin insisted, holding onto Priscilla's arm. "Please? I can't do this alone."

Priscilla let out a small sigh. "Fine." She agreed. She turned to look at Eddie only to see his eyes were yet again glued to her breasts and not her face. "Eddie," She called out, trying to get his attention. "I'm not your girl. Now, go get ready for your show, already." She shooed Eddie who turned and sulked his way to the backstage area. She turned her attention towards Steve who looked awkward and uncomfortable, probably due to Eddie's gawking. "Come with us to get a drink?" Priscilla asked, trying to put on her best doe face to entice Steve. Priscilla still really liked Steve especially because he now seemed so much more mature than he was when they were in high school. If this Steve had been around during high school, she wondered if they would have lasted longer than a couple weeks.

Steve's expression lightened. "Yeah, sure!" He agreed and began following the two girls to the bar. On the short walk there, Priscilla had slipped her hand into Steve's and her heart fluttered when Steve intertwined his fingers with hers. There was something about this innocent romance that she enjoyed. It felt cute and comfortable. It made her feel sixteen again.

Robin stepped into a vacant spot next to Vickie at the bar but couldn't manage to get any words out. It was as if they were stuck in her throat, threatening to choke her. She saw the bartender approaching with a smile. God, say something already Robs, she thought to herself.

"What can I get you, ladies?" The bartender looked at Vickie first.

Vickie looked to her left to see Robin and she smiled. "Robin!" She cheered. "You made it!"

Find My Way Back [Eddie Munson x OFC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin