Chapter Eleven

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Robin stared at herself in the mirror as she fidgeted with the hem of the shirt that Priscilla had insisted she buy at the mall the other day. She was having deja vu to the night she went to The Hideout to see Eddie's band play and Priscilla had lent her a shirt to wear to impress Vickie. Robin just felt like this was all so strange. She didn't even know if this was a date or if she was taking Vickie's friendship the wrong way.

Priscilla came up behind Robin and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Robs, you look great. Seriously. Stop worrying!"

Robin sighed. "That's easier said than done. She's going to be here any minute and I still don't know if this is actually a date or not. Are you sure I'm not just taking her friendship and seeing it through a different lens that doesn't exist?"

Priscilla dropped her hand from Robin's shoulder and Robin turned around to face her. "Robin," Priscilla began, looking her in the eye. "You don't see it but I do. I see how she looks at you. I know it's hard to come out like this when not everyone is accepting of you the way I am but I just know that she likes you and she's afraid to say anything, too. She has the same fears you do."

Robin shrugged. She supposed that made sense in the long run but the deep seated fear she had of becoming a big town joke was overpowering her. If the wrong people in this town found out about this, she wouldn't be able to show her face again. She saw how people had treated Eddie in high school simply for being the guy who went against the status quo. If people found out she was gay, there would be uproar much more dramatic than some high school bullying.

There was a knock on the door and Robin felt her stomach twist from the nervous energy. She watched a smile creep across Priscilla's face. At least one of them was excited for this. "C'mon!" Priscilla grabbed Robin's hand. "Let's go send you off!" Priscilla tugged on Robin's hand and led her down the stairs, through the living room, into the kitchen and up to the back door.

Priscilla opened the door and was fully ready to push Robin right out and into Vickie's arms but she was disappointed to find an unexpected and unwelcome visitor in the form of Eddie. "Oh..." Priscilla frowned.

"What's up, babe?" Eddie said, pushing his way through the door and past Robin and Priscilla. "Miss me?" He asked.

"Hardly." Priscilla scoffed.

"Eddie, why are you here?" Robin questioned, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him away from the cabinets and his sought after snacks.

Eddie shrugged, turning to face Robin. "When am I not here?" He let out a breathy laugh, briefly turned his attention to Priscilla and gave her a wink before turning back to the cabinet to reach for his beloved snacks.

Robin groaned. She was already nervous enough about this whole "date" situation with Vickie. She didn't want to add 'worrying about Eddie bothering Priscilla while she was gone' to the list. "Vickie is going to be here to pick me up any minute. When I leave, you leave. I'm not letting you stay in my house alone with Priscilla and bother her."

Eddie turned his head and gave Robin a frown, jutting out his bottom lip and putting on his best puppy dog eyes.

"No, Eddie." Robin stated firmly.

Eddie glanced over at Priscilla who had a smirk on her face. He observed the way she stood, leaning against the counter top with her arms crossed over her chest. His eyes traveled from the upturned corners of her mouth to her little button nose, to her striking, dark brown eyes. She looked like she had been sculpted by angels. Eddie didn't think he had ever seen a woman more beautiful than Priscilla. He held his gaze on her a little too long and realized when he noticed her smile start to twist downward into a scowl. He quickly averted his eyes to the floor, looking down at his scuffed, white high top sneakers. Steve sure was a lucky man, he thought. Now if only there was a way to get her to look at him the way she looked at Steve.

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