Chapter Twenty

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Priscilla dismounted Eddie's bike, pulling the helmet off her head and smoothing out the fly away hairs that clung to the padding on the inside of the helmet before handing it off to him. Eddie remained sitting on the bike but also removed his helmet for a moment so he could see Priscilla's face better.

"I had a really good time tonight." Priscilla said, unable to believe she was actually admitting to Eddie that she had enjoyed their date. If the Priscilla who first arrived here almost two months ago had looked ahead into her future and saw this moment, she knew she wouldn't have believed it either.

"You mean it?" Eddie asked, tilting his head down but looking up at her, like a bashful child.

Priscilla nodded. "But," She began. "My car?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "It's still in the studio parking lot."

Eddie smiled. "I'll get someone from work to pick it up with me in the morning and take it to the shop. I'll try to get those last remaining repairs done at work."

Priscilla sighed, running a hand through her hair. "How am I supposed to get to work?" She pondered aloud.

Eddie thought for a moment before he spoke. "I'll take you." He offered.

Priscilla shook her head. "No, no. I couldn't ask you to do all that." She insisted. "You're already fixing my car for free. I can't ask you to also take time out of your life to bring me to work."

Eddie shrugged. "Just gives me an excuse to see you."

Priscilla felt a smile trying to force its way through. "I have a feeling you'd find an excuse to see me even if I didn't need a ride to work."

Eddie smiled wide and Priscilla noticed a little dimple on his left cheek that she'd never noticed before. Come to think of it, she couldn't remember a time she had ever seen him smile that big before. It was always that sensual, mischievous smirk and never a full grin.

"You're right," He laughed. "I definitely would find a reason to see you again."

An awkward moment of silence passed between them before Priscilla took a slight step backwards. "Well, thank you again; for the ride, for dinner, for... tonight." She gave Eddie a small wave before she began making her way to the back door of Robin's house.

Eddie watched her until she disappeared into the house. He pulled his helmet back on and started up his bike. The whole ride back to the trailer park, he kept replaying that moment in the clearing with Priscilla, holding her in his arms the way he saw Wayne do all those years ago with Ruth. Ruth had been the first motherly figure Eddie had ever had in his life. She showed him the maternal love and affection he'd never received growing up from his own biological mother. And Wayne had loved her so deeply. Eddie couldn't remember another time when he had seen a love so genuine and limitless as the one Ruth and Wayne had shared.

Eddie pulled up to the trailer, kicking the stand down on his motorcycle and pulling off his helmet. He dismounted the bike, and tucked his helmet under his arm. It was late--almost midnight--but the front light of the Mayfield's trailer was still on, and beneath its illuminating glow, he could see Max sitting on the ground with her headphones on and playing with the neighborhood stray cat.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Eddie called out, making his way across the patchy grass field of the trailer park to where Max sat with the cat rolling around beneath her touch.

She looked up at him, quickly pulling the headphones down to rest around her neck and smiled. "Hey, Eddie." She returned her attention back to the purring cat in front of her. "Mom's... well... you know..." She trailed off.

Eddie solemnly nodded. "Yeah, I know." He said.

Ever since Max's older brother Billy had suddenly passed away a few months back, her mother had never been the same. She went on drinking binges, and oftentimes had these very scary episodes that forced Max to either hide away in her room until it was over, or, if it was nice out, hide outside. Tonight had been one of those nights.

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