Chapter Twenty-Five

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When Priscilla awoke the next day, she saw Robin laying next to her. Confused as to why Robin was in her bed, she nudged Robin's back lightly with her arm, whispering her name. "Robs?"

Robin stirred but didn't wake up at first. Priscilla tried again, whispering Robin's name again and nudging her a little harder. "Robs, wake up."

Robin finally turned over and faced Priscilla with her eyes still closed. "What..." Robin grumbled, pulling the covers up to her chin a little tighter.

"Robs, what the fuck happened last night?" Priscilla asked, realizing that she couldn't really remember much of the night before or why Robin was in her bed. "Why are you in bed with me?"

Robin opened her eyes to see Priscilla still laying down next to her, her eyes peering into Robin's and searching for answers to her burning questions. Robin sighed. "You were twisted last night." Robin closed her eyes again, settling into the mattress and getting herself more comfortable.

Priscilla turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, struggling to put together pieces of last night but with not much luck. She remembered getting to the bar. She remembered walking in with Steve and getting a drink with him. She especially remembered seeing Chrissy talking to Eddie and how jealous she felt watching her caress him, her dainty fingers tracing the tattoos that adorned his forearms.

"Do you know how I got home? How I got into bed?" Priscilla asked, continuing to try and put together the missing parts of last night and fill in the holes in her memory.

"Seriously?" Robin opened her eyes again, looking over at a very distressed Priscilla.

Priscilla threw her arms up in front of her, exasperated, letting them fall dramatically down by her side and causing the mattress to bounce from the impact. "Seriously. I don't remember."

"Look down at the foot of your bed." Robin responded, turning back over and facing her back to Priscilla. She was uninterested in answering any more of Priscilla's questions and wanted to catch just a few more moments of blissful sleep.

Priscilla sat up and looked out over the edge of the mattress to see a sleeping Steve and Eddie on the floor. She slowly leaned back into the pillows behind her. Why was everyone in her room like some bizarre sleepover? She reached up, rubbing her eyes and trying to come to terms with the consequences of her drunken actions.

"Oh, you're awake."

Priscilla looked up to see a sleepy Steve sitting up and looking over at her. His eyes were still half closed and he yawned, running a hand through his hair.

"You hungry? I can go start making us breakfast." Steve offered, beginning to stand up from the floor.

Priscilla nodded. "Uh, yeah. Sure. That sounds great." She smiled and watched as he shuffled towards the door to head downstairs. As the door of her bedroom opened, the sound must've woke Robin up and she turned onto her back, finally deciding it was time to get up.

Robin sat up in bed, ruffling her bed head with her hands before letting them drop into her lap. "Where'd Steve go?" She asked, looking around the room and noticing he was missing.

"Downstairs. He said he was going to make breakfast." Priscilla informed.

Robin groaned. "I'll go help him. Dingus barely knows how to even make cereal." Robin threw the covers aside and hopped out of bed, quickly making her way out of the room and downstairs to help Steve in the kitchen.

It was just Priscilla and a still slumbering Eddie left in the room. Priscilla slowly pulled the sheets aside and swung her legs over the edge of the mattress, letting her feet touch the floor beneath her. She tiptoed over to where Eddie was laying. She softly knelt down and lightly nudged his shoulder with her first two fingers. "Eddie?" She whispered, hoping to gently wake him.

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