Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: Hi, I am so sorry about not updating last week. It was my birthday on Wednesday last week and I feel like I was out almost every night celebrating. And this week has not slowed down for me either but I wanted to make sure to put an update out for you guys. I'm hoping to have the next one done for next Friday but I'm going to put a warning out now that I may not meet my deadline because I've just been so crazy busy all of a sudden. I'm going to be finishing this story soon and I have another one in the works but I want to finish any current ones I still have going (aka Lover Dearest and L'Exquisite Douleur cause I feel like I kind of abandoned those to focus so much on this one)

After their morning trip to get a coffee and see Vickie, Robin and Priscilla decided to take a drive around town and debrief on the recent events that had transpired over the last few days. A lot had gone down, and neither of them had really talked about it.

"So Steve broke it off with you and then Eddie slept with Chrissy behind your back and then found you at the studio and apologized to you and then you accepted his apology and now you're... together? Did I get all that?" Robin recounted, trying to keep all the facts straight after the whirlwind that had been Priscilla's life recently.

"We're not exactly together." Priscilla countered, stealing a quick glance over at Robin. "I just accepted his apology and said we could move past it."

"But you want to go out with him, right? You don't have to worry about breaking Steve's heart anymore." Robin pointed out. And she had a point. What did Priscilla have to lose? Steve had already made it clear that he was done with this. And Eddie had been fighting for her attention all summer; never giving up, even when it seemed like his advances were all for nothing.

"I guess not, but don't you think it feels weird to just jump right into a relationship with Eddie less than a few days after things got broken off with Steve?" Priscilla wondered aloud.

Robin rolled her eyes. "'Scilla, we all knew this was going to happen from the start. It was obvious it'd be you and Eddie in the end."

"I guess..." Priscilla trailed off.

Priscilla began to let her thoughts drift as she pondered Robin's words. Despite her stubbornness in the beginning, she did find Eddie very attractive. There was something about him that she just couldn't shake. It was like there was an invisible tether keeping her tied to him. And after all the things she had been through with him: her car repairs, trusting her with her deepest secret, sneaking around with him behind everyone's back. It made her feel alive for the first time since Jason snuffed out that bright light inside her all those years ago and as much as she hated to admit it, Steve had never made her feel that way.

She kept her eyes on the pavement ahead of her, mindlessly following the road as if on auto pilot. When the light they were stopped at turned green, Priscilla began to pull out into the intersection when all of a sudden she heard Robin screaming 'watch out!' and the sound of tires screeching right before feeling a hard impact. The horrible sound of glass shattering and metal screeching filled her ears before everything went dark.

After the car finally stopped moving, Robin grasped her chest, breathing heavily and trying to process what just happened. She looked around her and saw steam coming out of the front of Priscilla's car. To her left, she saw the car who had hit them—his windshield cracked and pieces of the metal of his and Priscilla's cars scattered about on the road. And then her eyes fell on Priscilla, who was slumped over and not moving.

"Shit, shit, shit." Robin cursed, her adrenaline causing her heart to race at a mile per minute. "Priscilla?" She shook Priscilla's shoulder. "Priscilla, wake up. Please. This isn't funny." Robin pleaded.

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