Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Eddie groaned as he opened his eyes and briefly looked around, realizing that he was in the back of his van. He brought a hand up to his eyes, dragging his palm down across his face before letting his hand fall to his side. What in the world happened last night?

He let his head fall to the right and he saw a handful of empty beer bottles as well as a half empty bottle of whiskey discarded at his side. He blinked hard a couple times as he turned his head to the other side and saw someone was next to him, and it was the very last person he expected to see.

Fuck. He thought to himself as he started to slowly remember the events that led him to the situation he had currently found himself in. What did I do? He asked himself as he attempted to replay last night in his mind.

He had been upset with Priscilla; that much he remembered so far. He felt like all she had ever done was treat him like a second thought. Maybe it was his own fault for continually pushing her with his overbearing flirtatious advances but deep down, he truly felt like there was something more between them. There was just something different about her. He couldn't explain it. Something just felt right when he was with her. The problems she had regarding Jason didn't define her, and as soon as she realized that, maybe she could finally find the person inside her that Eddie saw.

He then remembered drinking a couple beers with Wayne before making the inebriated decision to call up Chrissy. It had been a stupid move—he knew that. But in his tumult of emotions, he couldn't help but feel like he needed to run back to something he knew would make him feel wanted, even if it was only temporary. He craved the intimate attention and the desire to feel loved, even if it was just for that one moment. And now he was waking up next to the mistake he had made and wasn't feeling ready to face the consequences.

He wished he could just get up and leave her here without accepting that this had even happened. But he had to wake her up—to get her out of his van so he could fix the shitty choices his drunken and lonely self had made.

He sat up, ruffling his bed head curls with his fingers before letting his hands fall into his lap. He looked over at a still slumbering Chrissy and sighed. "Chrissy?" He half whispered and waited to see if she stirred at all. When she didn't respond, he called her name again, this time nudging her bare shoulder with the tips of his fingers.

"Hmmm." Chrissy moaned as she turned onto her back and began to wake up. She opened her eyes and smiled up at Eddie when she saw him looking down at her. "Hey." She said sleepily, closing her eyes again and stretching her arms up over her head.

"You need to get going." Eddie said coldly, turning his gaze away from her.

"Oh," Chrissy began, sitting up and holding the blanket close to her to maintain her modesty. "I'm sorry. Do you have work?"

"No." Eddie sharply replied.

"Oh...kay..." Chrissy drew the word out slowly, her tone mixed with confusion. She let the blanket drop, exposing her breasts as she felt around the area surrounding her for her shirt.

Eddie glanced over at her, feeling an uneasy tension growing in his stomach at the sight of her half naked. He'd never felt this before when he looked at her. It was almost like an aversion. He couldn't stand to look at her, only growing more guilty by the minute as she continued to look for her top among the blankets, pillows and empty beer bottles next to her.

Eddie grabbed his own t-shirt in his fist and roughly threw it at her. "Just take mine and get out of here."

Chrissy pulled the shirt over her head, finally covering herself up. "What is wrong with you?" She questioned, more in a wondering tone rather than angry. His behavior was unlike anything she'd seen from Eddie before and it worried her that he was acting so strange.

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