Chapter Seventeen

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Priscilla tried to sleep on the plane ride home but the memories of that night with Jason rose in her mind as she sat and stared out the plane window, unable to be released into a dream world instead of stuck in the confines of her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling of Jason's breath on her neck as he slipped those vile words into her ear a few nights ago. He remembered it as a night of bliss. She remembered it as a night of horror. He remembered her begging for more. She remembered her begging him to stop.

As the plane began its descent into Pittsburgh, she let the memory flood into her mind. She could vividly see the moment she got home after that night and stayed in the shower for nearly two hours, scrubbing her skin until it was red and raw, trying to get the feeling of his touch off her but it felt like his hands were permanently there forever, staining her like an imperfection. Jason was a blemish on her soul. She couldn't let Steve know that she had been tainted, never to be the same girl he once knew.

Maybe that's why Eddie was so comforting. He'd never known the Priscilla she was before that. Everything with Eddie was a new start. There was no pressure to be the girl she used to be. All she had to be with Eddie was who she was now: herself.

As she stepped into the terminal, she was greeted by a warm hug from her mother. Despite being back in a place she didn't consider home, the comforting feeling of her mom's arms around her would always feel like home, no matter where she was.

"Did you have a good flight?" Her mom asked, pulling away from her but holding onto her upper arms and giving her a sympathetic look.

Priscilla shrugged, still haunted by the thought of Jason. "It was alright." She stated.

Her mom guided her back through the airport towards the entrance where the parking lot was. "Dad's stable today." Her mom informed. "It's been up and down for a few days. They're still saying they're not sure what the next forty-eight hours will bring."

Priscilla solemnly nodded. What was she supposed to say? It was like everything had come to a screeching halt. Her complicated relationship with Eddie, her life in Hawkins with Robin, and now all of this with her father had pumped the brakes of her life so hard that she feared she would fly right through the windshield from the jolt.

"Do you want to stop by the hospital on the way home to see him? Her mom asked. "I'm sure he would like to see you."

Priscilla agreed. She wasn't sure what she was about to walk into in this hospital room, but from the way her mom's tone sounded, she wasn't sure it was going to be good.


Eddie sat cross-legged on the floor of Robin's living room right across from her, sitting in the same way. He couldn't make himself comfortable in his usual spot. Priscilla had been gone for almost a week and there was no indication she was coming back anytime soon. She hadn't even called Robin once and they both feared that wasn't good news.

"You look deep in thought over there." Robin noticed.

Eddie took a deep breath before he spoke. "I'm just worried about her."

Robin nodded, acknowledging she felt the same. "You really like her, don't you, Eds?" She said it as more of a factual statement rather than a question.

"Shut up, Robin." Eddie grumbled, attempting to protect his feelings from seeing the light of day.

"Don't pull that shit with me, Eddie." Robin scolded, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

Eddie rolled his eyes and tucked his knees up to his chest, resting his arms on his knees and clasping his hands together. "I do really like her..." He trailed off, hating that he was admitting it. "With her being gone for this long, it's made me realize just how much I need her here; how empty it feels without her here. She's the only other person besides you who has ever seemed to understand me; who has been able to handle me. I know I'm a lot sometimes, but she gets me. I can't really explain it. I just know it feels right. And after what Jason did-" Eddie stopped himself. He had almost forgotten that Robin didn't know.

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