Chapter Twelve

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Priscilla perched on the end of Robin's bed the next morning with eagerness and excitement glistening in her eyes while Robin struggled to open her own.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Priscilla sang, bouncing up and down and shaking Robin's bed like an earthquake.

Robin groaned and continued to refuse to fully wake up. She was still a little ticked off at Priscilla for keeping secrets from her. They'd always told each other everything. As Max and El always said, friends don't lie and Robin felt like Priscilla had done just that.

"Robin, c'mon!" Priscilla continued. "I've been dying to hear how your date with Vickie went. Just tell me already!" Priscilla jumped like a cat over to Robin's side and laid down next to her. Her face was inches from Robin's and Robin started when she opened her eyes to see Priscilla's nose practically inches from her own.

"Jesus," Robin exclaimed. "Alright, alright." Robin shifted onto her back before sitting up and looking over at Priscilla who followed suit. "But first, why didn't you tell me about your phone call with Vickie?"

Priscilla felt a wave of guilt wash over her and it certainly showed on her face. Vickie wasn't supposed to tell Robin about that. "Okay, in my defense, you wouldn't have liked it if I blabbed to Vickie about your crush on her, right? So, it didn't seem fair to share a secret with you that wasn't exactly mine to share."

There Priscilla went, always saying the right thing at the right time. Robin was starting to really get annoyed with Priscilla being so seemingly perfect all the time. But she reminded herself Priscilla wasn't all that perfect. In fact, she was stringing two guys along because she couldn't seem to make up her mind on who she wanted more.

"That's fair, I guess." Robin grumbled.

"And so, I pushed you two along and...?" Priscilla trailed off, waiting for Robin to finish her sentence.

"It was... It was kind of magical, I guess." Robin grumbled, trying to hold back her growing smile.

Priscilla squealed in excitement and insisted Robin tell her everything in detail on their way to the coffee shop. It was only right that they went to visit Vickie at work this morning. Robin told Priscilla that Vickie had even asked if she would visit the next day. And so, Robin was feeling happy, genuinely happy, for the first time since she lost her sister, Lauren.

Robin began to think back on the day that Lauren discovered her secret. Lauren had been the first one to ever know, even before Robin knew. One night, Robin couldn't sleep and kept pacing around her room trying to reason with herself over her feelings for Tammy Thompson. It was her freshman year of high school, and Tammy was a year older than Robin. Robin took a sophomore math class because she had been advanced up by her eighth grade teacher, still much to her surprise to this day. That was where she saw Tammy for the very first time, and funny enough, Steve as well.

It was this weird feeling she got in the pit of her stomach when she looked at Tammy and she couldn't figure out what this feeling was. She couldn't like girls. That wasn't right. It wasn't okay. She was supposed to like boys like any other girl her age did; like Priscilla did; like Lauren did.

"No, no, no." Robin muttered to herself, continuously pacing back and forth.

Lauren had heard Robin mumbling and peeked into her room without her noticing. She watched for a few minutes as Robin continued muttering to herself about Tammy; about how she couldn't have feelings for a girl; about how this was just a weird phase or maybe she was just jealous of Tammy. That was it, she thought. She was just jealous. She didn't like Tammy. She wanted to be like her. Yes, that was it. But she also could see the way Tammy looked at Steve burned right into her brain and wished that Tammy would look at her that way.

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