Chapter Fifteen

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CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault.

"'Scilla, hurry up! Eddie's here!" Robin called up the stairs to Priscilla. Eddie had insisted on picking up Steve, Robin and Priscilla since he had his van that would comfortably fit everyone.

Priscilla skipped down the stairs and hopped off the last step. She linked her arm in with Robin's and the two headed out the back door, bounding down the wooden stairs of the back porch and over to Eddie's van. They could already hear him blasting Dio over the stereo.

The inside of Eddie's van smelled like a mix of cigarette smoke and weed smoke. Robin coughed as she got in the back with Priscilla not far behind her. "Jesus, Eddie. It reeks in here."

"Sorry," Eddie shouted over the music before turning it down to a normal level. "I don't know what you were expecting."

"We should have just taken my car." Priscilla mumbled.

Eddie looked back at her through the rearview mirror and his eyes made contact with hers. "Your car is on house arrest right now." Eddie scolded. "I already told you, I'm waiting on some parts to come in and if you try and drive that thing right now, you might never drive it again."

"Whatever..." Priscilla mumbled again.

The ride to Jason's felt quick. Priscilla was surprised at how close he lived to Robin. When Eddie stopped the van, Steve quickly jumped out and ran around to the side to open the door for Priscilla before Eddie could get to her. He offered her his hand and escorted her out.

"Uh, what about me?" Robin scorned.

"That's your fake boyfriend's job." Steve called back as he began to make his way up to the house with Priscilla.

Robin grumbled to herself and hopped out of the van on her own. "Let's go, dingus." She grabbed Eddie by the arm and began pulling him down the street and towards the house.

As soon as they stepped through the door, the heat of so many bodies in one singular space hit them like a truck. It was almost cooler outside in the July humidity.

Eddie immediately felt out of place. "Ugh, I'm going to have to listen to this pop crap all night?" He groaned, giving Robin a disinterested expression.

"Fuck's sake, Eddie. Slap on a happy face and put your arm around me like Steve and Priscilla. We have to make this look real, after all." Robin complained, grabbing Eddie's hand and draping his arm around her shoulders.

Eddie rolled his eyes and then caught a glimpse of Priscilla and Steve. He felt a pang in his chest at the sight of them entwined in each other. He was jealous. There was no way to deny that. He started to get this all too familiar feeling. Was this whole thing going to turn into another Chrissy situation like Robin had warned? Was Priscilla going to make Steve her main guy and keep Eddie hanging around on the back burner? He hoped not. He was starting to fall for her more than he wanted to admit and he didn't know if his heart could take yet another break in its armor.

"Fuck this, Robin. I need a beer." Eddie let go of Robin and disappeared into a crowd of people. He couldn't stand to be near Priscilla and Steve any longer. It should be him that was holding her in his arms. He should be the one she was gazing up at with those beautiful brown eyes of hers.

Priscilla turned to look at a disappointed Robin standing alone. "What happened? Where did he go?" She yelled out over the music.

Robin just shrugged. She was starting to get frustrated with being in the middle of Priscilla's love triangle. Robin crossed her arms over her chest and huffed as she looked around the room awkwardly. Steve and Priscilla were too lost in each other's eyes for them to pay much attention to her and she hadn't seen Vickie or Paul yet. She began to scan the crowded living room with her eyes once more when a hand rested on her shoulder. She spun around to see a smiling Vickie standing behind her.

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