Chapter Eighteen

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Priscilla swiftly stood from the floor. She didn't want to be near Steve right now. She knew she had absolutely no right to be mad at Steve for continuing to harbor feelings for Nancy. It was hypocritical of her to be secretly crushing on Eddie while practically almost dating Steve. But there was something about hearing Steve talk about Nancy that didn't sit well with her. The jealousy made her stomach twist.

"Priscilla..." Steve called after her as she made her way towards the kitchen where Eddie had disappeared to. Before she could reach the kitchen, Steve's hand was grabbing onto hers and stopping her. "Talk to me. Please." Steve pleaded.

"And say what, exactly?" Priscilla questioned angrily. "Out of everyone in Hawkins, you picked her?"

"I'm sorry," Steve apologized. "I told you I would have picked you if I could."

"Forget it, Steve. It's over now." Priscilla yanked her hand away from Steve and stormed off towards the kitchen where Eddie was.

Eddie turned his head at the sound of Priscilla's angry footsteps heading in his direction. He started to think maybe he should be thanking Steve. With each fumble Steve made with Priscilla, it only pushed her further and further towards him.

"You okay?" Eddie asked as Priscilla stormed past him and towards the back door.

She vigorously shook her head and reached for the door knob. Eddie stepped in front of her, blocking her from going outside. He looked down at her and held up a joint in between his index finger and thumb. "You wanna talk about it over this?" He asked, glancing between her and the joint in his hand.

Priscilla coyly smirked and nodded. She took one last glance back towards the entrance to the living room to see Steve hadn't bothered following her and she slipped outside into the summer night with Eddie.

The two of them stood just behind the railing of the wooden steps that Priscilla had run down with Robin so many times in her life. Each time she looked at those stairs, it brought back another fond memory.

Eddie brought a flame to the tip of the joint, cupping it for a moment as he lit it and bringing his hand back to his side with a defeated swing of the arm as he took a drag. Priscilla watched him from the corner of her eye as he took a couple more drags in silence before handing the joint off to her. She hadn't smoked weed in what felt like forever but she figured she had dealt with enough tonight and needed something to get her mind off it. She pinched the joint between her index finger and thumb, bringing it to her lips and inhaling. As the smoke began to fill her lungs, she coughed a little and handed the joint back to Eddie who was chuckling to himself.

"Been a while?" He asked, taking another long drag.

Priscilla glared at him. "Shut up..." She trailed off, letting out another small cough.

There was another long moment of silence before Eddie spoke again. "So," He began, "Shit hit the fan in there, huh?"

Priscilla shrugged. Words were not coming to her easily right now. "I guess so..."

"I don't think I've ever seen you get jealous like that." Eddie continued. "It was kind of sexy."

Priscilla swung and hit Eddie in the arm with the back of her hand at his comment before crossing her arms over her chest. "Fuck off." She grumbled.

Eddie handed the joint over to her again. "Hey, I'm just saying. You didn't seem to get jealous over me in there. I'm a little offended." Eddie joked, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder back at the house.

Priscilla shrugged again. "Yeah, I don't know." She said softly. "I guess there's just something different about Steve with Nancy."

Eddie pondered Priscilla's words for a moment while he took the joint back from her and finished it off. "Maybe because, unlike Steve, I'm not harboring feelings for another chick." The smoke left his mouth with each word he spoke.

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