Chapter Twenty-Three

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Eddie's band was playing at The Hideout again and he'd invited Priscilla, Steve and Robin to come. They hadn't gone to one of Eddie's shows since that first time back in June when Priscilla first arrived back in Hawkins.

As Robin and Priscilla were waiting for Steve to come pick them up, Priscilla couldn't shake this weird feeling deep in the pit of her stomach. After what had happened with Eddie at his work the other day, Priscilla couldn't shake this feeling that shit was about to hit the fan. She felt like a great downward spiral was on her horizon.

"Do you ever feel like destructive behaviors are just looming over your head and waiting for you to give in?" She asked suddenly.

"Please tell me you're not going to do something stupid at Eddie's show tonight." Robin responded, giving Priscilla a side eye before she peeked out the window at the driveway, waiting to see Steve's car pull up. Robin knew that, despite the obvious decision Priscilla needed to make, she was still making this difficult for herself by holding onto the scraps of her remaining relationship with Steve.

"I won't!" Priscilla exclaimed, attempting to backtrack. "I just... have a lot on my mind." She admitted.

Robin tore herself away from the window as she saw Steve's car finally pull up. "Because one guy you have history with; makes you feel safe; he's sweet, and you feel bad crushing his dreams; and the other is dangerous; a bad boy; sex on wheels, and makes you feel alive for the first time in your life, right?"

Priscilla swung her bag onto her shoulder and followed behind Robin to the back door. "Damn, you really do know me too well."

Do I, though? Robin thought to herself but instead of actually saying anything to Priscilla, she just nodded and smiled. That was another conversation for another day. Tonight they were going to have fun at Eddie's show. Plus, Vickie was going to be there and Robin just wanted to focus on having a good time with her instead of worrying about Priscilla's faulty moral compass.

"Well, don't you look beautiful as ever." Steve said as Priscilla slid into the passenger's seat and Robin hopped in the back.

Priscilla blushed and smiled coyly at the compliment. She thanked him and then the car fell silent except for the soft hum of Steve's car radio playing Will You Still Love Me by Chicago. It was a long and quiet ride to The Hideout. Priscilla could feel the guilt resting in the pit of her stomach as she thought about her date with Eddie that Steve still didn't know about. She knew she needed to tell him, but now didn't feel like the right time.

As the car pulled into the parking lot of the bar, Robin couldn't seem to get out fast enough. Her feet were touching the ground almost before Steve had even fully stopped the car. She wanted to get away from the awkwardness of Priscilla and Steve, but she was also anxious to see Vickie.

"See you inside, I guess..." Steve called out to Robin's back as he watched her walk away. "What's with her?" He asked Priscilla as she got out of the car.

Priscilla simply shrugged but deep down she knew Robin was beginning to get fed up with Priscilla's antics. Even Priscilla was getting frustrated with herself.

Steve reached out his arm to her, extending his hand and hoping for her to take it. She took Steve's hand in her own, but knew it didn't feel right. The two walked up to the glass doors of the building, hand in hand, and all Priscilla could do was pray that she wouldn't see Eddie.

As soon as they had passed through the doorway and into the main part of the bar, Priscilla's eyes began scanning the room, trying to see if she spotted Eddie so she could avoid him, or see if she could find her disgruntled friend whom she desperately wanted to make amends with.

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