Chapter Eight

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Priscilla couldn't sleep that night. She kept tossing and turning. Every time she closed her eyes, she could only see Eddie's stupid smirk in her head. She tried to push him out to bring in thoughts of Steve and the wonderful date she'd just had with him but to no avail. Why was Eddie suddenly sticking out in her mind so much? Was what everyone had said earlier true? Did she like Eddie more than she realized? No, there was no way, she thought. Why would she be attracted to Eddie? They really didn't have much in common, did they? And besides, she told herself, he wasn't even her type; or so she thought.

No, it was Steve she was after. She was determined to convince her friends that it was Steve she was supposed to be with. This was why the universe had brought them back together, after all these years. She was getting her second chance with Steve. Both of them had needed this time apart to grow up and coming home to Hawkins was her chance to make things right with him; make things how they should have been all those years ago in high school.

Robin laid awake in her bed that night for a different reason. She kept thinking about that moment with Vickie when their hands had touched each other's and electricity sparked when their skin made contact. The way Vickie looked at the cover of the movie at Molly Ringwald was a look Robin recognized as the way she looked at Vickie. Now only if Vickie would look at her that way. Robin could feel a tear form in the corner of her eye and threaten to slip its way down her cheek but she quickly brushed it away. Robin hated emotions and especially hated showing them. She was too headstrong to show weakness. She always thought that was why her and Eddie got along so well. They were both stubborn, headstrong, and loved putting up a cover to hide their real, raw emotions.

That was the problem with Eddie and Priscilla, she thought to herself and tried to distract her mind from thinking of Vickie. The two of them were very obviously attracted to one another whether they would admit it or not. Robin knew Eddie would never show Priscilla how he truly felt and Priscilla was too wrapped up in trying to make things happen with Steve to see that Eddie was right in front of her. Robin felt bad for Steve. She wanted to see him in a happy relationship but she feared that if he continued to pursue Priscilla, the ending wasn't going to be what he hoped.

Right as Robin shifted herself onto her side, the phone next to her bed began to ring. Who could be calling at this time of night?

Robin groaned, turning herself back over and picking the phone up. "Hello?" She answered

"Hey, it's Steve." Steve said on the other end of the line.

Robin smiled, laying on her back and looking up at the ceiling. "You couldn't sleep either?" She asked.

"I keep thinking about Priscilla and Eddie." Steve admitted. "Do you really think there's something going on between them? It sure feels like it."

Robin sighed. What was she supposed to say? She knew Priscilla better than anyone but for some reason, right now, Priscilla was harder to read than Moby-Dick by Herman Melville. Now, that was a long and tedious read, Robin thought. She shook her head, bringing herself back to the phone call with Steve. "I can't say for sure. It certainly seems like that playful banter that leads to flirting which leads to... well... you know. But I know she's said over and over again that she likes you. She wants to see where things go with you."

Robin could hear the distress in Steve's voice. "I just don't know what to do. And now I'm losing sleep over this." said Steve.

"Protect your heart, Harrington." Robin advised. "Priscilla is my best friend, and I love her to death, but I really don't know what she's doing with Eddie. I just have a feeling that someone's heart is going to get broken in the end."

Robin could hear Steve sigh loudly on the other end of the line as he processed Robin's advice. "Alright," He finally spoke after a few moments of silence. "I guess I'll try to get some sleep. Which reminds me: why are you awake? Thinking of Vickie?" Steve cooed, causing Robin to blush. She was just glad Harrington was on the phone and couldn't see her.

"I accidentally touched her hand when we were on the couch and I felt this... I don't know... this spark or something. I've never felt that with anyone else before." Robin reminisced about her moment with Vickie from earlier.

"You know I have no problems with helping get you two together, right? You deserve some happiness in the love department, too." Steve commented.

Robin rubbed her eyes with her thumb and middle finger. "She can't know, Steve. You know why. Just... let it go for now. It's already past one. You and I both should try to get some rest. Especially you. I know that hair doesn't continue to look as good as it does without your beauty sleep." Robin joked, laughing quietly.

Steve agreed before saying good night to Robin and hanging up. Robin put the phone back down before deciding to take a quick trip down the hallway to see if Priscilla might by chance be awake. She knew it was a long shot but her curiosity got the best of her. Robin threw the covers aside and jumped down off her bed. She slowly opened the door to her bedroom before scurrying down the hallway towards Priscilla's room.

As she approached the door, she could hear Priscilla's voice. It sounded like she was talking to someone. Was she on the phone, too? Robin pressed her ear against the closed door to try and listen. Priscilla's voice was muffled but she could just make out what she was saying.

"No, I think it went well!" Priscilla said. Robin assumed she must be talking about her date with Steve. But if she was talking about Steve, that meant she wasn't talking to Steve. Robin continued to listen.

"Right, except it's never going to happen." Priscilla continued. Okay, Robin thought, was it Eddie? That phrase was typically something Priscilla said to Eddie, and often. Why would Priscilla be talking to Eddie so late at night? And why would Eddie even be up right now? Robin knew that as soon as Eddie got home, he lit up a joint and passed out. It was his nightly ritual. He always swore he would be grumpy at work the next day if he didn't have his sleep aid in the form of Mary Jane.

Robin heard Priscilla start to speak again. "She doesn't know. I think she should, though. I don't see why you can't tell her. I've said the same thing to her time and time again. She won't listen. I love her, but she's so damn stubborn sometimes."

Robin's eyes grew wide when she realized that Priscilla was talking about her. Who was she talking to? It had to be Eddie. There was no one else Priscilla could be talking to right now and especially when the topic was Robin herself. What was Priscilla and her mystery midnight caller hiding from her?

"I'm telling you she does. You really should tell her. I won't say anything if you don't want me to, but she deserves to know." Priscilla continued. What did Robin need to know? What was this about? Were Priscilla and Eddie seeing each other behind everyone's back? Robin concluded it had to be Eddie that Priscilla was talking to. Maybe Steve had been right. There had to be something more going on between Eddie and Priscilla that no one knew about and that's who Priscilla was calling so late at night. It all made sense. Of course Priscilla would call Eddie during the middle of the night if she was hiding their relationship from everyone.

"I guess we'll just see what tomorrow brings, then." Priscilla continued. "We'll talk more about this later. Take some time to think about it... Alright... Bye."

Robin heard Priscilla hang up the phone and then the bed frame squeak as if Priscilla was getting out of bed. Robin quickly stood from where she had been crouching down by the door and swiftly tiptoed back to her own room. She jumped up into bed and pulled the covers up over her as if they would protect her from a scary monster that was chasing her down the hallway.

Robin laid there with her back facing the door. After a few moments, she heard her door slowly open. "Robs?" Priscilla whispered through the crack in the door. "Are you awake?"

Robin laid there motionless, pretending to be asleep. She closed her eyes and wished Priscilla would just go back to her own bed. She opened her eyes again and listened as the door opened a bit more. She watched the light from the hallway spill in and illuminate the carpeted floor in front of her. Just as quickly as the light came in, the light began to disappear as Priscilla slowly closed the door and made her way back to her own room.

Robin turned onto her back, sighing. She stared up at the ceiling, thinking about what Priscilla had said to the person on the phone. What was Priscilla hiding from her? Robin thought she knew Priscilla so well. They had been friends since kindergarten and had never kept secrets from one another. Now, Priscilla was playing with everyone. She had Steve's heart in one hand and Eddie's in the other, weighing them like the scales of justice. She was withholding secrets behind Robin's back. Her best friend, who she thought she could trust inside and out, was turning into someone that Robin didn't even know anymore.

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