Chapter Sixteen

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Eddie dropped Steve off first. He did live the closest to Jason anyway, despite how close it felt like Robin lived. Steve lived in the same rich neighborhood that Jason lived in, so it made sense for him to be dropped off first, but really, Eddie did it so he could have the chance to be alone with Priscilla one last time tonight.

Robin flung open the side door of the van as soon as Eddie pulled into her driveway. "Thanks for the ride, Eds." Robin jumped out and turned, waiting for Priscilla to follow.

Priscilla hesitated. She didn't want to leave Eddie just yet. She felt like she owed it to him to express her feelings. Even though she knew that saying it aloud to him might make things different for her, she felt like Eddie at least deserved to hear it.

"'Scilla, you coming?" Robin asked.

"I'll be in in a minute." Priscilla said slowly, looking between Robin's expectant expression and the back of Eddie's head in front of her.

Robin nodded knowingly as she slowly pulled the van door closed and left Priscilla and Eddie alone. Priscilla jumped over the center console and slid into the passenger's seat next to Eddie.

"You didn't have to stay behind." Eddie spoke, looking over at Priscilla.

She shook her head. "No, I had to. I owe you."

Eddie cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "Owe me what?"

Priscilla took a deep breath. She knew she couldn't go back on this. If she was going to tell Eddie how she felt, she was going to have to deal with how her life would change from this moment forward. "I do like you, Eddie." She admitted. "But I do still like Steve, too and I just-"

Eddie stopped her with a raise of his hand. "You don't have to explain it to me, Priscilla. I get it. Harrington and his stupid hair is irresistible." Eddie paused, sighing. "I won't force you to go on that stupid date with me anymore."

"But I do want to," Priscilla began, "it's just-"

"It's just that we can't tell anyone." Eddie finished for her. "I'm your dirty little secret. I get it. I know how this works."

"Eddie..." Priscilla whined.

"Just go. I'll see you later." Eddie said sternly. He was tired of being everyone's second choice. Chrissy, Priscilla, even his own parents, all had chosen other people over him. He had to put a stop to it eventually, and now was as good a time as ever. He knew Priscilla wasn't going to let go of Steve. He knew that she would never pick him over Harrington. They had history. They had potential. Steve brought so much more to the table than Eddie did. So, why drag this out any longer?

Priscilla slowly opened the door to the van and stepped out. She somberly made her way to the back door of Robin's house. She took one last look at Eddie's van as he swiftly backed up the driveway before stepping inside the house to a waiting Robin.

"What happened?" Robin's smile dropped when she saw the expression on Priscilla's face.

Priscilla shook her head. With just the shake of her head, she had told Robin so many things. Eddie didn't want this anymore. She didn't want to talk about it. Robin had been right this whole time. She had made a complete fool of herself by playing both sides of the field of love. She had let her emotions overcome her rationality and now she was left with a bruised heart. She never thought that Eddie dropping her would have had such a deep effect but now it felt like a piece of her had been torn away and no one but Eddie could patch up the hole left behind.

"Okay," Robin said softly. "Let's go to bed."


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