Author's Note

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Caught your attention?

As soon as the seed of an idea for this story sprouted in my head,
I knew I just had to pen it down. Now.

I understand it's impulsive but I just couldn't help but tease you all with it.

It's itching me to know what you think about this seedling of a story...

Does the blurb make you go, "I want to know more!"?

I'd love to know your thoughts in the comment section.

And you lovely people:

@AnglicaSnchez338 @Stillwithjayykayy @jeonsphile @Riddhimagupta07 @caro0502 @ShwetaGajghate @ChampaChhetry @JenJK9796 @AsmitaSingh676 @writer-mariya @GratelDmello0 @bling_ing @s980_2 @Alexaabcdefghij07 @GayathriJ2

Thank you once again for supporting my debut Wattpad Fanfiction, You Ruined Me. I truly hope you get to like It's Just A Number equally while I wait your thoughts, vibes and feels on the Trial Period.

Until Then...

Stay Purple and Happy Reading 😊

The Trial Period | A Jeon Jungkook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now