A Trip To Yesterday Pt. 2

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He detested her sweating away in household chores but Yuna insisted that it was her home to take care of. He knew she was stubborn, too stubborn for his good, so he appointed almost an army of household staff for her to use. But still. Yuna didn't back down and would always make his food for him. She told him, it made her feel nice and while doing so, she'd always think of him and that thought made Han Min-woo giddy on the inside. He just could not help it. He simply fell for this woman. This basic woman but with an extremely sharp mind. A quality the "real" men of the underworld always sought after, for they knew how women can and have and will destroy or build their empires with a simple bat of their eyelash, if given the liberty to do so. But Han Yuna was only going to help him build up his empire higher and wider. He shared his troubles with her, his ideas and vision. She always told she had no comprehension of the inner workings of his world but every time he would ask her to just let him know her opinion and he'd pay heed to it.

One afternoon, in a very busy mansion kitchen, Yuna was preparing lunch for Min-woo. She decided to make him his childhood favourite as he requested it so many times of her. The housemaid she met the first time in his home office, was setting the table when she accidently dropped one of the chinaware plates on the floor. She gasped loudly and immediately apologized to Yuna for being clumsy. Yuna rushed up to her and helped her with the ceramic pieces that were now shattered across the kitchen floor. Min-woo heard the commotion and sprang his way to them. He saw Yuna picking up the broken pieces ready to threaten the soft skin on her hands while the housemaid just stood there with her head low just watching her. Why isn't she the one doing it? Who does she think she is? His eyes reddened with anger as he called out Yuna's name.

Min-woo: Yuna!

And just in that moment a piece grazed Yuna's skin on her thumb, as she quickly threw the piece back on the floor and tried to bring her thumb close to her mouth, Min-woo grabbed hold of it and sucked it. He closed his eyes tight, like he was almost trying to avoid to look her in the eyes. The housemaid smirked a little which went unnoticed but received a well-deserved disappointment when Min-woo serenaded Yuna with intense care.

Yuna: Min-ssi, it's really nothing, just a scratch-
Min-woo: Just a scratch on my wife.
Yuna: You did make it go away, see?

Showing him her thumb that now had a tiny fresh scratched line on it but nothing major. Yes, it wasn't anything serious but to Han Min-woo, it was life or death. He had no idea why but he just could not bear seeing any harm done unto Yuna. He adored her, she was his woman and he just could not and would not stand her being hurt or harmed in any way. Even in the slightest of ways. He picked her up in his arms and made their way to their bedroom without a single care in the world and the house staff gawking at him. Yuna felt embarrassed, she bore her red face into the crook of his neck as he announced their departure.

Min-woo: Serve lunch in our bedroom.

As he laid her on the bed, Yuna held his collar and brought him close.

Yuna: You're spoiling me, Min-sii.
Min-woo: That is one of my intentions with you.
Yuna: (Blushes) Not in front of the house staff, please?
Min-woo: Why not? I am afraid of no one. I want the world to know what you mean to me.
Yuna: What is of worth to you can very well be a weakness used against you.

Min-woo created a little space between them as he studied her eyes with a narrowed look.

Min-woo: Speak clearly, Yuna.
Yuna: I very well could be your weakness, Min-ssi. And I have a feeling Toshiro's people are not done, yet.
Min-woo: I will burn to hell anyone who dares touch you.
Yuna: Min-ssi, your love, your attention, I love it, I am not complaining but, the open display of it, it will only-
Min-woo: Don't say it. I know what you're trying to tell me. Just don't. Say. It.
Yuna: I-

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