All In Motion

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Y/N kept fiddling with scrambled eggs in her plate. Jungkook looked at her and sighed but in annoyance. He shoved her plate away from her and stated with much irritation.

Jungkook: If you're not going to eat then leave.

Y/N doesn't look up and keeps her head hung low. She slowly gets up from the stool and walks away only to hear plates crashing on the floor, knowing very well that the eggs didn't have a bright future thanks to Jungkook's annoyance. What does he really want her to do? She can barely see things through let alone let him in, guiding her thoughts. Her thoughts. Her invasively distraught and hopeless thoughts. How was she going to sort this mess out? Namjoon was right. There aren't many cards left to play for them to get an upper hand against Han Min-woo, Toshiro, Han Areum and perhaps Min Yoongi, too. Too many fronts to tackle. Not to forget the authorities. Was there any inkling of hope to help them detangle out of this messy net of attacks and betrayal?

Feeling the burden of her confusion and probable despair, Y/N went out to sit on the grass floor in the garden, only to, well stare into the oblivion.


Sky gazing.

Sure. Why not!

Is all Jungkook thought watching her anchoring herself there on the green leafy bed of grass. Why does she do that? She can give all her eyes to the sky but not to him? If he's being honest, he could really use her touch, her warmth right now. He knows he's cornered but nothing that Y/N and her presence can not fix. Even if it's a fleeting one but it's comforting to him nonetheless. If anything, Jungkook is more annoyed at himself. Actually, disappointed. Why did he allow this woman to take over his mind, heart and emotions? He is truly unhappy with himself. He honestly, could've done better.


He needs to concentrate on how to deal with the premature turn of events. Sure, he knew things will snap back at him. But this was just too soon.

Dealing with Min Yoongi was essentially a step he deems necessary to weaken Toshiro. He knows of their business alliances and closeness. Severing that bond will surely, and tactfully dampen Toshiro's influence on the overall situation.


He did personally, and peacefully show up to his office asking him to reject Y/N.


Toshiro and Y/N.

As much as he hates the thought of their names together, he could not ignore how he reddens at the sight of hers, hell, even at the mere mention of her name.

Jungkook did not forget how Namjoon caught on to Toshiro's unrest towards the trial period which only became evident when Y/N came into the picture. This indeed was something to investigate further. But for now, the business needs his attention. A much needed one at that. Jungkook gives his 'wife' one last glance and makes his way to his office. It was going to be a long day. A week, if he's looking at the Yoongi-meet at the end of it.

Fuck this shit.


A Few Days later

Jungkook's Office

Why hasn't Namjoon come back from Ilsan? It's been more than three days now. He hasn't spoken to Y/N. He doesn't want to. Doesn't feel like it. Besides her aloof behaviour is really pissing him off and he decided not to let her bother him. Maybe, it is the fact that she isn't even trying to reach out to him, he doesn't want her to apologize or something but really wishes her to come to him. No. In fact, she lets him be. If that's the case then he will let her be too.

The Trial Period | A Jeon Jungkook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now