A Queen Only Needs One Man

243 12 16

Two Days Later

Lee Su-ha's Residence

The aged woman stood in front of her vanity admiring her pearls and detesting the wrinkles of her skin around them at the same time. Guess it was time to visit the aesthetician again. She immediately closed her eyes shut as she heard her whining daughter groan her annoyance at her.

Areum: Just do it!

Su-ha: Let him get done with the Trial and I'll do it then!
Areum: No! Do it now! He wants it now!

Su-ha: Tell him to wait.

Areum: I don't want to wait! He isn't seeing me until I get this!

Su-ha: Areum, are you really this dumb?

Areum: What?

Su-ha: If I sign off what I intend to give you, it will-

Areum: If it will then do it, I'll handle the rest.

Su-ha: Handle? What do you plan on doing?

Areum: This shit is taking too long... I intend to end it before it's supposed to.

Su-ha: I-

Areum: Don't you want to get back at Han Min-woo, mother?

Su-ha: Huh?

Areum: Getting rid of her will do that.

Su-ha: But, I, I like her.

Areum: Still?

Su-ha: She was useful when I was bored.

Areum: Mother, you can get anyone and anything to cure your boredom with. Let me handle and settle this.

Su-ha leans in and stretches the skin around her eyes and examines the texture. And whispered with sheer hatred.

Su-ha: He will never admit it but it will hurt him. Hmm. I'll call the lawyer today.

Areum: Oh mother! Thank you, thank you! I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Areum left her contemplating mother behind as the woman kept looking into the mirror at her reflection. She gaped at it and simply smirked with a little voice echoing from her mouth.

Su-ha: Sorry Y/N but every doll has a shelf life. Hmm. (Giggles)


Jungkook's Residence

Jungkook is getting ready for the day when he notices Y/N standing behind him. He looks for a cufflink to go with the ivory Egyptian cotton button down he's wearing but not being able to find the pair complete, he decides against cuffing the sleeves. He then rolls them up with his shirt still unbuttoned.

Y/N: Do you want me to look for the other one?

He doesn't respond.

Y/N walks up to him and places herself between him and his floor mirror and begins tying the buttons of his shirt. He stops roiling his sleeve and simply watches her fingertips as they enclose each button in the button hole.

Y/N: I need to talk to you about something.


Y/N takes in a deep breath and continues regardless.

Y/N: There's more to do than just taking over the gun-running line.

She looks up at him and their eyes meet. He stands still in his place. She feels him breathing steadily, keeping a stable gaze. She almost skips a heart-beat when she notices his eyes wander down to her lips and back to her eyes. She gulps down the empty air lump and resumes tying his shirt.

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