Claim Me.

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Y/N: Cook?

Jungkook: Yes.
Y/N: Not really.

Jungkook: What can you make?

Y/N: Nothing that Haru does.

Jungkook: Find something to feed me.

Y/N: Now?

Jungkook stops massaging her toes only to raise an eyebrow at her. Y/N looks away, releases her foot from his hold and stands up. She collects her heels and fixes Jungkook's blazer, as she begins walking out she hears him speak.

Jungkook: Loose the heels, go straight to the kitchen.

Y/N drops her black heels as instructed and makes her way out to the kitchen. She scavenges the fridge for food but is confused if he wants her to cook him something or heat the leftovers. Her eyes land on the potato curry from last night and she decides in favour of heating it up for Jungkook. She empties the curry into a pan and switches on the flame. She then decides to add rice to it, making it curry fried rice, that'll curb his appetite for now.

As she was working the rice in the curry, she feels his presence behind her.

Jungkook: It's just me.

Y/N feels her anxiety soothing down as she hears those words from him the second time around. She finally figures out that Jungkook has picked up on her biggest discomfort. She also understood that he will soon ask her about it. She just didn't feel like answering it. Not because she didn't want to, she always did but there was really no one to ever listen. No one. Not a single soul.

Jungkook walked up to her, his chest bare and him wearing his black dress pants with its fly zipped up but the top unbuttoned. He placed his left arm on the edge of the stove and ran his right hand under his blazer, caressing Y/N's skin. He traced his fingers on her waist, he went up to that bralette and played with its hem, sticking his thumb under it almost grazing the bottom of her right breast. Y/N stops stirring the rice. Jungkook hears it cook vigorously in that hot pan over that medium high flame. He kisses her neck, nibbles on her ear lobe.

Jungkook: You're going to burn that too.

Y/N gets startled and quickly removes the pan off the flame. She dishes it out in a bowl for him but finds it very challenging to do so with Jungkook's hand still stuck under her bralette. He snaps it out of it and with a smirk on his face adds.

Jungkook: I like this on you.

Y/N: Haru insisted.

Jungkook: Glad you heard her.

He takes the bowl from her hand, slides it to the side. He turns Y/N around to face him. He cups her face in hands and lifts it so she looks him in the eye. He then places them on her neck, gently gliding them down to the cleavage, teasing her with his touch. Still, no effect. Jungkook squints his eyes in curiosity, he then takes his hands down her stomach and parts the blazer grabbing hold of her waist. He is about to hoist her up to sit on the slab but Y/N holds down his shoulders.

Y/N: You want me to break your slab?

Jungkook: (Smirks) Among many other things.

Y/N: (Gasps) What?

Jungkook: Relax. This can hold more than 20 of you.

With that said, he immediately hoists her up, opens up her legs and places himself between her. He looks down at her naked pussy and smirks and looks back up only to find Y/N looking everywhere but him. He blows a little air on her face which causes her to stop ignoring him. To avoid further awkwardness, she quickly picks up the bowl and feeds Jungkook a spoonful without any warning - who by the way, was thinking of taking her by surprise with an unexpected kiss. He had been wanting to kiss her. He didn't. He dared not to. Yet. Kissing was not his thing but he just could not stop thinking how it would be like kissing Y/N. How she would feel on his lips. How her lips would feel? Soft, wet, fruity, spicy? Hungry? He was now just too curious for his own good to find an answer to that. But the spoon full of potato curry fried rice trumped his 'kiss'.

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