Without Doubt

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It has been more than 5 weeks Areum last saw, touched and felt Jungkook on her lips and all the wrong places in the right way - at least for her. However, Toshiro just could not bear the dejection and outright protest the little brat spewed with her incessantly obsessive behavior.

Areum frequented The X more than she should. At first she began by booking the booth from where he saw her first. Later on, she started reserving the first floor all to herself in the hopes of finding him there in conflict if he wanted to book it for himself.

Her private investigator exhausted all his resources despite him being a Muslim boy of Indian and Korean origins with mad investigative skills. One could easily say that he is an undercover CIA or on their roster. yes. He was that good.

Ali Choi-Kamran was an 18 year old menace. At 13, he hacked into the servers of his school and gave every student straight As in all their subjects causing a riot with the school board which went undetected. Two years later, he fried the main server of SNU's IT department replacing examination questions with lyrics from Hindi movies of the 90s that too in Hangul.

That too went undetected.

With her links in the underground scene of her university, Areum was introduced to Ali, with whom she immediately made friends. A hacker goes a long way, she thought and she was right. She would seldom ask him to dig into Toshiro just to keep a closer eye on the Yakuza heir.

But it was not Toshiro she was spying on. This time her object of desire was Jeon Jungkook - who for the life of her, she could not find. And so, employing Ali Choi-Kamran was indeed a good idea at this point.

She almost became a predator of Jeon Jungkook and he knew it. After all, he conspired it, constructed it to be that way. And when Ali gave her his best possible guesses, Areum didn't waste a breath and made her way to the Presidential Suite at the Shilla. How dare Jungkook stay out of her sight when he never once left her mind. How dare he make her desperate for him, wimp at the sheer thought of his fingers on her. Oh, the sinful thoughts that were gripping her mind, filling it up with only Jungkook. Only she knew how she lusted for him.

Knock. Knock.

Areum awaited almost patiently, curtailing her excitement. She kept on telling herself not to jump on him the second her eyes would meet his.

The door before her opens, revealing a calm Jungkook with his white button down shirt barely holding on to his broad shoulders, giving a sneak peak of his hard chiseled chest. Reeking havoc in her insides. She took a step back in anticipation, while Jungkook stepped further inside the suite with a non-chalant look. He simply hung his head low and after a second's pause shot a squinted lustful look at her. And that was it. She snapped out of her self-control.

Areum just could not hold herself back anymore and lunged at Jungkook who effortlessly held her up in his arms by placing his hands under her bums. Areum wrapped her arms around his neck with her legs curled around his waist and locked her lips with his. Jungkook walked with stable steps closing the door behind them.


Namjoon: And is that all of it?

Ali: Y-yes. (mumbling)
Max: Loudly.

Ali: Yes.

Namjoon: Hmm.

Ali: What are you going to do with me?

Max: Oh nothing much other than skinning you alive. (Smirks)

Ali: What?

Namjoon: Max?

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