No Woman's Worth It

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He parted the folds on her restless cunt using two fingers of his right hand. She pushed up against them causing him to roll his eyes in disinterest. 

He circled his finger around her aroused clit and scanned her face which radiated with desperate pleasure. She wet her lips with her tongue and then bit down on her bottom rim as her head rolled back in the anticipation of him speeding up his motion.

"Mmm! Yes! Just like that! Mmm!"

He kept his pace steady, making her grow impatient. For him? Well, he knows better. It's not him she's impatient for. It's her orgasm. Her pleasure. Her release. And he is not in the mood to give her that. He's too unamused for that.

"Pick up the pace, I'm almost there!"

"You are?"

"Mmm! Yes! Please, fast! Mmm!"

He quickened his pace, she began squirming under his touch. She licked her lips again and almost smiled. He leaned in, the speed now at an accelerated tempo. He knows she's about to cum. And just when she is about to hit her climax, he slides his fingers in her wet hole, penetrates her once, twice; goes back up to her swollen bud, circles around it, hits her cunt with his hand, gently and gets up from the bed.

The woman felt her pulsating sex abandoned right at the edge of her orgasm, feeling dissatisfied, uncontended, irritated and entitled.

"Hey! What the hell? Why'd you stop? I was there-"

"That's exactly why I stopped."

"What? Why? It doesn't make sense!"

He raised his eyes at her as he wiped his hand clean off of her using a hand towel. He tossed the used toweled cloth next to her on the bed as he walked up to her. He leans in on her slightly as she stares back at him with her chest heaving up and down, displayed in the nude for him.

He looked down at her bare breasts as he spoke with brazen derogation.

"You see that piece of cloth there?"

The woman looks at it and then back at him with a confused expression.

"Yeah. What about it?" 

"Well, it has served its purpose and is of no use to me anymore."

"I don't get it!"

"You, my third favourite bitch, have served your purpose."

"Third favourite?"

The man stands up straight, scoffing at the woman's question.

"I insult you and you picked up on third favourite?"

He chuckles. He admits, he is amused but disappointed none the less.

"Okay, my least favourite bitch. You should be glad I didn't toss you like that hand towel there. Now wear your tasteless clothes and get out of my sight."

With that said, the man dressed in a black button down and charcoal trousers placed himself on his black leather sofa that was facing the large glass wall of his guest room, tucked a cigarette between his lips, lit it up and puffed away his annoyance.

The woman almost crawled out of the room making sure she is not in the periphery of his vision. For when Jeon Jungkook commands, he expects it to be obeyed with utmost obedience and promptness. She knew she better do what he ordered. She did not want to end up like the last woman he was with. She grew too confident for her own good. She was the one he stayed the longest with or perhaps tolerated the longest. When she began fluttering her wings more than she should have that is when Jungkook clipped them off - meaning she was never heard from again.

There were rumors she was forced into exile to Thailand. Some even believe she was chopped into many pieces and her body parts were scattered across different dark alleys in the underbelly of Seoul. She knew being exiled was way better than being buried in God knows how many different holes at once. So she quietly, silently made her way out of it. Before closing the door to the room behind her, the woman peeked in to take a look at Jungkook's sitting figure for one last time. She was taking in the sight of him but when Jungkook moved his face to his right she gasped and immediately closed the door and left. For good.

Jungkook sat there in the numbness of his whiskey when he received a text on his cell phone.

Text: Lea left. Want me to get her back?

Jungkook simply scoffed with a lit tobacco stick in his mouth as he texted back.

"Not worth it."

Jungkook then lightly threw his phone on the sofa, inhaled and removed the cigarette leaving his lips parted. As he exhaled the cloud of smoke, all he thought to himself was a belief he doesn't expect to be shaken let alone changed, ever.

"No woman's worth it."

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