Chapter 1

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September 14th, 2010.

McKayla jogged down the New York sidewalks as she did every morning. The 23 year old had an off day today and was determined to make the most of it before chaos hit with final rehearsals before the show. She got to sleep in a bit more than usual today, which was always nice. It was about nine o'clock now, and as McKayla jogged through the New York City streets, she searched for a place to stop for breakfast.

Even early in the morning, New York was hectic. It really was the city that never sleeps. There were people hurrying to get to work, not wanting to be late for their morning meetings; school buses returning from taking children to school; people standing at the bus stops or trying to hail a taxi. There were also plenty of other joggers like McKayla on their morning runs as well. There were also plenty of tourists, trying to find their way around the large city.

McKayla jogged to the nearest Jamba Juice. She ordered a smoothie, then sat down and let herself relax a bit; physically, at least. Her mind, however, was swimming. She'd need to unpack as much of her things in her new apartment as she could before everything got crazy. She'd at least have her mom to help her though.

McKayla gets brought out of her thoughts as she sees two women about her age, maybe a couple years younger, approach her.

"Hi. We're sorry to bother you but are you...McKayla McClain?"

McKayla smiles, "Yeah, that's me."

Their eyes widen.

"Ooh, we're such fans of yours! We've seen so many of your shows!"

"Can we maybe get an autograph?"

"Of course you can."

After signing something for them, the two girls walked out, looking beyond excited. McKayla didn't get recognized a whole lot, but it did happen sometimes and it was always flattering.

McKayla walked out soon after, sipping on her smoothie as she walked. She simply let herself think a while.

McKayla had dyed her hair blonde a while ago so that she could play Penny in the Broadway production of Hairspray. However, her hair at the moment was now back to its natural brown color. Before Hairspray, she'd played Cinderella in the Broadway production of Into the Woods. Until then, she'd only played supporting characters. And before that, only background characters or dancers.

Now, however, she was playing a lead role. But not just any lead role - the ultimate lead role. McKayla was now Broadway's newest Christine Daaé in 'Phantom of the Opera'.

McKayla had done Broadway in Chicago productions until she was twenty. Her first show ever with them, she played Maureen in 'Rent' and did excellent for as young as she was. After she turned twenty, she came to New York to pursue that Broadway dream. She'd worked hard to get to where she was now; but it was more than worth it. Christine Daaé was McKayla's dream role, and she was thrilled that she was finally going to play it.

McKayla went back to her apartment where Sophie was waiting in the kitchen. Sophie had her own apartment a few blocks down but had stayed the night as she was helping McKayla move in to her new apatmnt.

"Hi, honey." Sophie greets.

McKayla looks at the cardboard box next to Sophie and raises an eyebrow.

"Doughnuts? Really?"

"I know, I know, you're on a 'dancer's diet', I know. But you've got a ton of final rehearsals coming up and you haven't had any junk food in what, three months? And you just went for a jog. Just go to the gym a half hour longer! One doughnut won't kill you."

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