Chapter 11

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Two weeks later.

McKayla was getting ready for the MIW concert in Pittsburgh, listening to 'The Poet and The Pendulum' by Nightwish as she did so.

The dreamer and the wine

Poet without a rhyme

A widowed writer torn apart

By chains of Hell

One last perfect verse

Is still the same old song

Oh Christ, how I hate what I have become

Take me home...

Get away, run away, fly away

Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway

I cannot cry

'Cause the shoulder cries more

I cannot die

I, a whore for the cold world

She put on a MIW shirt, faded jeans, converse, and her bracelet from Matthew. She piled her hair up into a ponytail, then made sure she had everything she needed and headed off.


McKayla waited back stage for Chris. There weren't many people here yet, as she'd arrived early. She was beyond excited to see Chris and get to see him perform. This would be the first time she'd ever see the band perform live since high school.


McKayla turns around and sees Chris. She smiles, then runs up to him and hugs him. He holds her close to him and exhales.

"God, I missed you so much, baby."

"It's only been two weeks." McKayla says as they come apart.

"I know. I don't know how I'm gonna survive another month without you."

McKayla smiles, "Well then it'll be that much more worth it when you come home."

Chris nods, then looks McKayla up and down, "Wow. Talk about blast from the past."

"What are you talking about?"

"The way you're dressed, the way you put your hair up like that; you look like you're sixteen again."

"Oh yeah? And what would you have done differently if you'd had the chance to be with sixteen year old me?"

"So. Many. Things." Chris says, "For starters, I'd do this a lot more often." Chris says before kissing her sweetly.

"Get a room."

They come apart and see the rest of the guys standing there. A familiar face stood next to Angelo.

McKayla's face lights up, "Kelly!"

Kelly smiles and walks up to McKayla, hugging her.

"It's so great to see you!"

"You too! When Angelo told me you were back in town, I was so excited! And now that you're with Chris, I mean, it's about time."

McKayla laughs and smiles. She greets everyone, happy to see them all; then Chris pulls her to the side and kisses her again.

"I missed doing that." He says.

"Well in just a few more weeks you'll get to do that whenever you want."

"A few more weeks is way too long."

"You'll live." McKayla says, "I can't wait to see you perform again. I remember going over to your house all the time after school and watch you practice. It's amazing to see how far you've come."

"Well we've got a lot more to do."

"And you'll do all of it. I believe in you." She says before kissing him again.


"So, Angelo told me about Jamie...How are you?" Kelly asks.

"I'm alright. I don't think they'll let him out. I haven't heard anything though."

"Well, still, the fact that you had to see him after all that he did to you and your mom...I remember when we first heard about it. Chris' mom saw it on the news and told him and he told us and..."

McKayla sighs, "I'm sorry I never tried to get in touch with you guys after I left; my mom and I just really wanted a fresh start and to move on."

Kelly nods, "So, um....I ran into Carlie the other day."

McKayla raises her eyebrows, "Oh." She states, "How is she?"

"She's good. Pretty pissed at you and Chris though."

"Well, I guess I'd be pissed at me too. Does she know Chris and I are together now?"

"Not that I know of. I didn't say anything and she didn't ask. She just told me about how she and Chris broke up and why."

"Well...I mean, I know Carlie and Chris have kind of been on and off again for a long time now and...She didn't say anything about wanting to be on again, did she?"

"No. She's still pretty mad, and it's been months since she and Chris broke up anyway."

McKayla sighs, "Okay."

"But hey, even if she did say she wanted to get back together with Chris, you'd have nothing to worry about. Their relationship was falling apart anyway...Besides, I've seen the way Chris looks at you. It's the way I look at Angelo. Trust me on this, there's no one Chris would rather be with than you."

McKayla smiles, "It's amazing, Kelly. He's amazing. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Kelly smiles, "Well let me give you my number; we should go out to lunch or something some time."

"That'd be nice. I could use a girl friend here."

"You didn't have any in New York?"

"Not really. I was always so busy all the time; I never really had time for friends."

"Well then allow me to be your first one." Kelly says, smiling.


After the guys played, they went back-stage. McKayla runs up to Chris and kisses him.

"You did great!"

Chris smiles, "Thanks, babe." He says before quickly kissing her again, "Did you have fun?"

"Yes! This was awesome! It was so great to see everyone again, and to see Kelly."

"Yeah, I figured you'd be excited to see her."

McKayla nods, then grows serious, "How long can I stay?"

"As long as you can." Chris says, bringing her into his arms and pressing his forehead to hers, "I don't want you to go."

McKayla gives a small nod, "Then I'll stay until I absolutely have to leave."

Chris nods, then kisses her again.

A/N: EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT PLEASE READ. So...all of my stories for watt pad are planned out in my phone before I hand write them. Well last night...I lost the stories I had on my phone. I don't know what happened, but they're gone. So after the sequel to BTC, I might put up one story after that one but after that...I'm taking a break from wattpad for a while. I lost two and a half stories and while that may not seem like a lot, it is. It is a HUGE loss to me. I still have lots more stories including the ones I lost, and I intend to write them, but it's gonna take a lot more time than I thought, and I don't know HOW MUCH time. But after like, May or June of next year, I'm done for a little while.

I'm sorry.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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