Chapter 12 (Explicit Content)

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McKayla grabbed her jacket. She was getting ready to leave the studio on her lunch break, when one of her younger students, Maddy, ran up to her and hugged her.

"Bye, Miss McKayla!"

McKayla laughs, "Bye, Maddy." She says as Maddy walks off with her mom.

McKayla puts on her jacket, then walks down to a small café down the block. She got a salad and a Naked Juice and sat down.

It'd been a couple of weeks since she'd seen Chris in concert and she missed him so much. She wanted him to come home so badly. But she was so proud of him for doing what he was doing.

As if on cue, Chris' contact appeared on McKayla's phone screen, signaling that he was calling her.

McKayla smiles and answers, "Hey! Your timing could not be more fantastic right now 'cause I'm on my lunch break."

"Oh, really? Cool. How's it going, baby?"

"Good! I just got done teaching one of my younger age group ballet classes. I've got a couple errands to run after work but other than that, the only interesting thing going on in my life is the fact that my boyfriend's band is touring overseas. How is it over there?"

"It's amazing, baby. I have to bring you here sometime. We'd have such an awesome time."

McKayla smiles, "It does sound pretty incredible."

"I'll take you to see the world someday, babe. As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are."

"Well, we'll be in Scranton together in less than a week."

Chris sighs, "I know. I can't wait to see you."

"Do you have any idea what time you'll be home?"

"Probably not until like 1 a.m., babe."

"Well then just come to my place and crawl into bed with me. I wanna snuggle with you as soon as you get home."

Chris chuckles, "I can certainly do that, honey." He says before changing the subject, "Have you heard anything along the lines of Jamie?"

"No. I don't think they've let him out though. I think we're okay."

"Good. I just want you to feel safe, Kayla."

McKayla sighs, "Don't worry about me, Chris. Even if Jamie were released, I can take care of myself."

"Okay, but I only want you taking care of yourself when I'm not around to take care of you."

McKayla laughs, "Okay, I think I can handle that."

"I know you can. You're the toughest babe in the world." He says, "Listen, I gotta get going, but I'll call you when I can."

"Okay. Be safe." McKayla says before hanging up.


The rest of the week went by incredibly slowly as McKayla anticipated Chris' return home from tour. When the night finally came, McKayla attempted to stay up and wait for Chris, but ended up dozing off around 12:45.

Shortly after, McKayla was awoken by the feel of the weight of the bed shifting next to her. McKayla gives a small jump, then looks next to her.

"Hey. It's just me, babe." Chris says, softly.

McKayla relaxes, then snuggles herself into Chris' chest, "I'm so happy you're hoommmeee..." She says, yawning.

Chris chuckles, "Get some sleep, baby."

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