Behind the Scenes

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Hey everyone! This is the Behind The Scenes chapter for Fatal: Part 2. Enjoy!

In the prologue of this story, when Chris and McKayla continue telling the nurse their story, McKayla first looks to Chris. Then, Chris speaks for her, saying, "It was 2010..." This also happens in Part 1. This is because McKayla cannot remember what year these events took place. Temporary and partial memory loss is a big side affect of cancer and chemo, so McKayla likely couldn't remember a lot of things that happened back then. Chris likely told the majority of the story, and Sophie too with whatever she could recall.

I've tried to make it obvious that McKayla had a large impact on Chris' music. Whether he was angry at her, saying he'd rather have her over Carlie, or something else. Many songs on Infamous and Creatures were inspired by her. Black Damask, Sinematic, and The Divine Infection came from things she actually said to Chris when she told him about her cancer.

When Chris and McKayla got "together" before McKayla moved to Chicago when she was 18, and when she and Chris actually did get together later on years later in this story, McKayla was the first one to say "I love you" on both occasions.

When Chris sees McKayla after her Broadway performance, the first thing he says is, "Flower delivery for Kayla McClain." which is the first thing he says in the prologue of part 1.

When McKayla discovers that infertility is a side affect of cancer and chemo and Chris asks her if there's "something she wants to talk about", it's because he believes she may want children. However, since the topic is pushed away and never spoken of again, Chris thinks otherwise. However, had McKayla spoken up, Chris likely would have been willing to plan a pregnancy with her when the time was right.

A lot of people probably thought McKayla returned to Pennsylvania in hopes of finding Chris and getting a second chance with him. However, that isn't the case. She returned because she wanted a break from performing. Had Chris not tracked her down after she returned, they likely wouldn't have ended up together.

Cancer doesn't run in McKayla's family. The fact that she got it was just sort of a freak thing.

Finding out about the cancer was actually a lot harder on Sophie than she made it look. McKayla is really all Sophie has left. To lose McKayla would be the worst thing for Sophie.

Well, that's all I have! Be on the lookout for part 3! It's gonna be the best story in this trilogy! It's my favorite!

xoxo, Scissorhands

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