Chapter 7

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Two weeks later.

Chris walks into McKayla's apartment - she always left the door unlocked - and finds her doing yoga...with her ass in the air.

"Uh...Hey." Chris says.

McKayla turns her head and sees him, "Hey."

"Whatcha doin'?"

McKayla stands and pauses the yoga video on the TV, "Yoga."

"Uh huh. And do all of these yoga positions involve you having your ass in the air?"

McKayla playfully smacks him, then kisses him, "Hi."


"How's my sexy man doing?"

"Your sexy man is doing a lot better now that he has his sexy lady with him." He says before quickly kissing her again.

McKayla laughs, then puts her water bottle away in the fridge and turns off the TV.

"So what brings you to me today?" McKayla asks.

"Well, what do you have planned for the rest of the day? It's your day off, right?"


"Cool, 'cause I wanna take you out on a date. We've been going out for two weeks now and have yet to actually go out."

McKayla smiles, "That's sweet of you."

"So what do you say?"

"Yeah, that sounds wonderful. Just give me a bit to get ready?"

"Take all the time you need."


McKayla walks out wearing a mid-thigh-length red dress, her leather jacket, her hair and makeup done, and converse on her feet. And of course, around her wrist was the bracelet from her brother.

Chris looks her up and down and smiles, "Wow, a dress?"

"I know, weird, right? It just...seemed like a good day for it."

Chris smiles, "Well, you look gorgeous."

"Thank you."

"Should we head out?"

McKayla nods, "Let's go."


They kept it simple. They went for a walk in the park and got dip 'n' dots. It was now March, so the weather was starting to get pretty nice. Chris and McKayla walked up to a gazebo hand in hand.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" Chris asks.

"About eight times."

"Well you do."

"Is something up?"

"Why does something have to be up for me to tell you how beautiful you are?" Chris asks before quickly kissing her, "I love that I get to do that now."

"Yeah, it's kinda growing on me too." McKayla says in a joking manner, "I love that we can actually be together this time around; that we get a second chance."

"I do too." Chris says as they step up on to the gazebo, "Sooo, I know we agreed to take things kind of slow, but do you mind if we maybe skip five or six steps to where I can just start calling you my girlfriend?"

"Ohh, so that's what's been up your ass all day." McKayla says, smiling, "Well, I suppose it'd be okay as long as I get to call you my boyfriend."

"Deal." Chris says before kissing her.

McKayla giggles against his pierced lips, "You taste like dip 'n' dots."

Chris chuckles and presses his forehead against hers, "You're so perfect, you know that? Why couldn't I see that in high school?"

"Well, maybe it's better we ended up together now instead of then. We're more grown up now."

"Yeah, I guess. Well, you were certainly worth the wait, Kayla McClain."

"You know, you're the only person who's ever called me 'Kayla'. I've missed it all these years. It's good to hear it again."

"Well good, 'cause you're gonna be hearing it for quite a while." Chris says before kissing her again.


The next day.

McKayla walked out of the dance studio at the end of her shift. On her way home, she thought of a lot of things. Work, life, her mom, her brother, her dad, Chris; that was pretty much all she thought of anymore.

McKayla got her mail and went up to her apartment. She looked through each of the items. Junk, junk, bills, junk - coupon for comic books?! Sweet! Junk, junk, and then there was an envelope addressed to her from the police department. What could that be for? McKayla opened the envelope and read the letter inside.


McKayla went to bed flustered and confused over the letter she'd received. It took her a long time to fall asleep. And even when she did fall asleep, it was a light and restless one.

McKayla felt the weight of the bed shift next to her as someone lay down next to her. McKayla rolled over and snuggled herself into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her.

McKayla lets out a tired hum, "Mmmm...hi, baby."

"Hello, darling."

McKayla's eyes shot open. She rips herself out of his grasp and screams.

It was Jamie.

McKayla scrambled away, falling off of the bed in the process. Jamie catches her though and pins her down. He grabs her shirt and rips it.


McKayla springs up in bed, sweaty and hyperventilating.

It was just a dream.

McKayla lets out a loud exhale and puts a hand on her chest. She then reaches over for her phone on the night stand and calls someone.

A/N: It was just a dream! Normally, I'd put dreams in italics, but I wanted to scare you guys, haha. Did it work? Also, who do you guys think McKayla called? And what was that letter about? Most of you will probably get the wrong answer, haha.

Leave me feedback please! I know these chapters are kinda short but I have some long ones coming up, I promise.

ALSO! I've been doing some organizing and putting when I'm going to update stories so if you would like to know a certain date for a certain story, feel free to ask! I don't have all of my stories put into my calendar but I do have a few!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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