Chapter 10

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Saying goodbye to Chris when he left was really hard. He'd only been gone two days and already, McKayla missed him so much. She spent most of her free time with Sophie. Sophie had been really concerned for McKayla since Jamie's parole hearing. The fact that Chris was no longer physically here for McKayla only had Sophie that much more concerned. McKayla certainly appreciated it, but she didn't feel that Sophie had anything to worry about.

Now, McKayla and Sophie were at McKayla's apartment, eating Chinese Food and watching Toy Story.

"So there's no explanation as to why the toys come to life?" Sophie asks, "They"

"Have you never seen these movies?"

"Of course I have."

"Well the point is, a lot of kids think their toys come to life while they're gone. I think whoever decided to make a movie out of it was pretty genius. This one little girl I teach has a Woody doll that she carries with her everywhere. It's so cute."

Sophie nods, "Are you getting along with the kids at the studio?"

"Oh, yeah. I love them. I mean, I know I haven't been there long, but it's like they're a part of my family now, you know?" McKayla asks, taking a sip of her Mt. Dew.

"Yeah, I know, sweetheart...Have you ever thought about having kids someday?"

McKayla's eyes widen and she chokes. She swallows the soda and starts coughing.

"Mom!" McKayla croaks through coughs.

"What? It's a simple question!"

"Mom! I'm twenty-three! Kids are so not on my mind right now!"

"Oh, come on. We all know you and Chris are getting married someday."


"Mother's instinct, honey. I knew it the moment you and Chris met all those years ago."

McKayla was about to respond when her phone began to ring. She looks at the caller ID and sees that it's Chris.

"There's Chris now. Don't embarrass me."

"What are you, seventeen?" Sophie asks.

McKayla rolls her eyes and answers the phone, "Hi, honey. We were just talking about you."

"Who's 'we'?"

"Me and my mom."

Chris chuckles, "Oh yeah? What were you saying?"

"Um...not important. How's tour?"

Chris laughs, "Well okay then. Tour's great! A lot more people liked us and knew who we were than I thought."

"That's great! I'm sure they'll love the new video when it comes out."

"I hope so. We've still got a while for that though."

"The video will do great. I'm so proud of you, and I believe in you."

"Well then that's all I need."

McKayla smiles and blushes. Sophie notices and smiles.

"See! I told you! You two are meant to be!"


Chris laughs, "What's she saying?"

"Oh, nothing, she's just trying to embarrass me in front of my boyfriend. He can't hear you, Mom!"

Sophie then leans forward.

"No, Mom - "

Sophie snatches the phone, "She doesn't understand my maternal knowledge, Chris. Can you believe that?" She asks whilst pushing McKayla away as McKayla tries to reach for the phone.

"Mom - "

"You two are gonna be married by the time you're thirty, just you watch."

"Ugh!" McKayla groans, facepalming.

"She's turning bright red right now." Sophie says before hanging the phone back to McKayla. McKayla snatches it and sighs.

"In other news, I'm beginning to plot to kill my mother."

"Nah, don't do that. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm all for killing people; but your mom's smart. We may need her around a little longer."

McKayla's face turns even more red.

"He agrees with me, doesn't he?" Sophie asks, grinning.

"How do you do that?!" McKayla whisper-yells to Sophie.

Chris laughs and changes the subject, "How was work, baby?"

"Good. The kids are all doing good, the adults too. My feet hurt like a bitch though."

Chris chuckles, "Tell you what? When I get home, I'll give you a nice, long foot rub."

"I thought my feet weirded you out."

"They do! They're weird."

"I'm a dancer! I did ballet for God's sake; of course my feet are weird!"

"Well, because I'm such a good boyfriend, I'll rub your feet anyway."

"Okay, but no backsies."

Chris laughs, "I'm glad you're doing okay at the studio. It sounds like you really love it there."

McKayla smiles, "I do. Is tour better with the RV?"

"Oh, you have no idea. There's so much room! I mean I know we had bunks in the van, but...this is just so much better."

"Good, I'm happy you're doing well. I can't wait to see you."

"We've got a show in Pittsburgh in two weeks."

"I know. I can't wait."

"Neither can I, baby."

Someone says something in the background.

"Oh, I've gotta go. I have an interview."

"Okay, good luck! I miss you."

"I miss you too, Kayla. I'll call you when I can." He says before hanging up.

McKayla sets her phone down and looks to Sophie.


"You'll thank me later, sweetheart. Now, eat your dumplings before they get cold."

A/N: Okay, lame filler, sorry. But there WAS a little bit of foreshadowing in this chapter ;) He he he...

Also. I'm basing Sophie's character off of my mom. If I had a boyfriend, she would SO do that to me.

ALSO. I've been working on stuff for my other stories and agh, guys, it's just so great. As you all know, I like breaking down barriers and stereotypes. I've already broken down the sexuality (BTC) age (FASAIMS) religion (TIM) and illness (This trilogy) barriers within my stories. In my stories to come, I will be breaking down many MORE barriers including gender, race, disability/disorder, and many more. You guys will love it! The story that comes after the sequel to BTC has a love interest that I personally have never seen done before and I think you guys will love her as much as I do

ALSO. If BTC gets to 20k views, I'll post a preview of the sequel which will include you guys being able to see the summary too! Keep the views coming!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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