Chapter 20

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Today was McKayla's last day before she started chemo. From the moment she woke up, she totally bummed out. Chris wasn't next to her. She really needed a hug from him.

McKayla stood up and stretched. She then walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where Chris was making waffles.

Chris sees her and smiles, "Morning!" He cheers. He walks over to her and kisses her cheek.

"Well you're in an awfully good mood."

"Why shouldn't I be? It's your last day before you go to live in the cancer wing of a hospital for a month; so we have to make sure this is the best day of your life! Starting with a kickass breakfast."

McKayla gives a small smile, "You didn't have to do this."

"Yes I did. We have to celebrate!"

"Celebrate what?"

"I dunno." Chris says, "We just do! Although, if we have to have a reason to celebrate, I suppose we could go down to city hall and make this a celebration of our wedding day."

"Nice try."

"Worth the shot."

McKayla giggles and wraps her arms around Chris' torso, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Do you have everything packed and ready for tomorrow?"

"Yup. I just need a few last minute things."

The rest of the morning was nice. Chris and McKayla talked and laughed over breakfast like they normally did. It was good to feel normal a while...


The hot water of the shower felt really nice on McKayla's skin. This was all so weird. She'd only get to be in her own shower today and tomorrow and then it was off to weird hospital showers with nurses breathing down her neck.

That did not sound fun.

Meanwhile, McKayla splashed some water in her face and waited for Chris to join her. And as if on cue, the door opens. McKayla smiles.


McKayla dressed herself in a black knee length dress with Chuck Taylor's on her feet and her hair in a braid. The charm bracelet from her brother rest around her wrist.

Chris was in a Bleeding Through T-shirt and skinny jeans with only his eyebrows on for makeup. He smiles at McKayla.

"Well, don't you look cute." He states.

"Thanks. I figured I'd change it up a bit while I still could..." McKayla says.

Chris takes both of McKayla's hands and kisses her forehead, "Don't be sad, baby." He says, softly.

"That's a little easier said than done."

"I know. But today's gonna be a good day. You'll see."


They went to get wings for lunch. They ate lots of chicken wings and drank lots of soda and talked and laughed with their friends. No one talked about hospitals or cancer or anything about what was to come. It was great.

"Where are we going now?" McKayla asks as she and Chris drive away from the restaurant.

"I don't know. We're just...driving."

They drove in a comfortable silence for a while, music faintly playing through the radio. Eventually, they ended up driving passed their old high school.

"Woah. There's some memories I'm not sure I wanted back." Chris says.

"It was nice when we went to Prom together."

"Oh, yeah, I remember that."

McKayla looks down at her hands, "It's funny. I almost killed myself twice in high school and didn't. And now, my life is better than I ever could ask for it to be; and yet, death seems to find me again anyway...The universe has a sick sense of humor."

Chris stops the car. He turns to face McKayla.

"Listen to me." Chris says, "You are not going to die from this. I believe in you. We're gonna be okay." He says before kissing her.

When they come apart, McKayla has tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry, baby. You're too beautiful for that." Chris whispers.

"Will you still think that when all of my hair falls out? Or when I have a bunch of chords hooked up to me?"

"Of course I will. You're the most beautiful in the world and I love you so much."

Chris takes her hand, and they continue driving. They finally reach the edge of town and see a large house in a secluded area. It was for sale, and it was beautiful.

"Wow..." McKayla says.

"You wanna live in that house someday?"

"It'd certainly be nice." McKayla says with a small laugh.

"Well then we'll make it happen someday." Chris confirms.


They arrive home. They step out of the car and McKayla looks around.

"I'm gonna miss this; outside." McKayla says, "I mean I'm not a super huge nature freak, but not being able to go outside for an entire month..."

Chris nods, "I know, honey. It's gonna be okay."

"How do you know?" McKayla asks as they walk back up to their house.

"I don't." Chris says, pulling out his keys, "But I have to believe it to keep myself sane." He says before opening the door. They step inside.

"Well, I suppose if you can believe it, I can too."

Chris shuts the door, "Good." He says before kissing her.

McKayla immediatley sinks into it, wrapping her arms around Chris' neck as he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his torso and Chris carried her off to the bedroom; and they made love until daybreak.

A/N: Laaaaaaame. Cheesy, I know, but as far as short chapters go, I liked it.

I made a little cartoon McKayla so you guys could see her outfit. Lemmie know what you think!

IMPORTANT! So if you've recognized the actress I have playing Sophie, maybe it's because you've seen her in a show called Chasing Life, which is a show about cancer. I DO NOT KNOW VERY MUCH ABOUT CANCER. ANY AND ALL INFO I HAVE IS FROM THAT SHOW. Just thought I'd clarify that.

Now, technically this is the second to last chapter of the story where I would normally tell you the name of the love interest in my next story; but this is a trilogy. So obviously, the love interest in my next story is McKayla.

Leave me feedback!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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