Chapter 16

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Four days later.

McKayla wakes up. She sits up and stretches. It was a pretty nice morning, to say the least. McKayla missed waking up to Chris though.

Speaking of Chris, he'd called McKayla the night before. He was happy as could be. He'd told McKayla that the band would be playing Warped Tour this year. Only this year, the band would be playing the entire Warped Tour for the very first time. McKayla simply congratulated him and acted as though everything were normal.

McKayla throws the covers aside and gets out of bed. She stands, then walks into the kitchen where Sophie was pouring coffee into two mugs.

"Morning, sweetie." Sophie says, handing McKayla one of the mugs.

"Thanks." McKayla says, taking the mug, "Where's my laptop?"

"Over there, charging. Why?"

"I'm gonna shoot Ricky an email."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"Nothing too specific. I'm going to ask him if there's any way I can come and see Chris during his next day off or something. I'll just say that there is some bad news that I have to deliver, that I'd rather not do over the phone and that it can't wait until Chris comes home, and...just hope for the best, I guess."


When McKayla finished the email, she set her laptop down and thought a minute.

"I'll probably have to quit my job, won't I?" She thinks aloud.

"Maybe not. Maybe you can get moved to a position where you don't have to dance or be super active. Maybe you can just work the desk for a while." Sophie suggests.

"I'm gonna have to take a medical leave anyway, so I might as well quit! I mean what's the point of me working at a dance studio where I can't teach dancing? If I'm around all of it and can't do anything about it, I'll just be torturing myself." McKayla says.

McKayla stands and sighs, "I'm gonna go shower and get dressed and...Go tell my boss what's up."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, I'd rather go alone." McKayla says. She walks of, then stopds and turns aroun,d "You know...this is all happening so fast; I mean seriously, one minute I'm getting ready to move in with the love of my life; the next minute, I have cancer and have to figure out how I'm going to tell him."

Sophie sighs, "I'm sorry, sweetie. But I think you're just going to have to face that things are never going to be the same as you planned them to be ever again after this."

McKayla nods, "I know, it just...makes me sad."


McKayla walked into the dance studio in a Morrissey shirt, faded jean shorts, and converse. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had sunglasses over her face. When she walks in, she raises her sunglasses up on top of her head.

Memories flooded McKayla's mind of when she was a student at this studio. Sh'ed loved it when then and she loved teaching here now. Leaving here was going to be very hard. She'd read online that sometimes people can work while they're undergoing chemo, depending on what kind of treatment they're doing. Probably not as a dance teacher though...

As if on cue, McKayla's boss, Andrea, walks out.

"McKayla, hey. What are you doing here?"

McKayla swallows, "I need to talk to you."


McKayla walks back into the house and was immediately greeted by Sophie.

"How was it?" Sophie asks.

"Well, it was long. We both cried and Andrea said she was really worried for me and that she wished me well. Monday will be my last day so that I can...So that I can tell my students..."

Sophie sighs, "I'm so sorry, honey."

"Yeah....Well, I've still got the rest of the day ahead. I've still got a little bit of unpacking to do. I should probably do that while I'm still feeling good. I'm thinking of also maybe making a run to the comic book store to get some new reading material."

Sophie gives a small smile, "That's a good idea. I'll help you get those last few things unpacked."


Sophie left to go home a while ago. Now, McKayla was sitting in bed reading her new Spiderman comic book. When she finished it, she grabbed her laptop to check her email before going to sleep. Ricky had replied. McKayla immediately clicked the email to see what it said.


"So what'd he say?" Sophie asks the next morning.

"Well, he told me which days they had off, then narrowed those down to days they didn't have an interview or something else booked. I don't have many options, but I'll figure it out. Then he wished me good luck with whatever it is that's going on and promised not to say anyting to Chris for the time being."

"But he doesn't really know what's going on?"

"No. I just told him that there's some bad news that Chris needs to know as soon as possible."


"Yeah..." McKayla exhales, "How and I going to tell him, Mom? I don't know how I'm supposed to do this."

"You can do it, McKayla. You're one of the bravest people I know."

"Bravery doesn't have anything to do with it."

There's a pause.

"You know," Sophie starts, "I bet there's someone that can help you with telling Chris."


"Think about it, sweetheart. I am the only person in this world that knows you just as well as you know yourself - maybe even better! So who's the one person that would know Chris just as well?"

McKayla thinks a minute, then gets it, "Hand me my phone."

Sophie hands her the phone and begins to dial. She puts the phone to her ear and anxiously waits for an answer.

"Hi, it's McKayla!" McKayla says with fake enthusiasm, "I'm good! How are you?...Great...Yeah. Listen, this is going to sound a bit out of the blue but I could really use your help with something."


Some people seem to not know what the difference between rape and rough sex is. If partner number 1 is telling partner number 2 to stop but partner number 2 doesn't stop, IT'S RAPE. If one of the partners tries to have sex with the other partner without the other partner's permission, IT'S RAPE. If one of the partners does not want to have sex but the other partner tries to have sex with them anyway, IT'S RAPE. I've seen A LOT of rape scenes in fanfiction claiming to just be sex scenes but they're totally rape!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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