Chapter 2

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After McKayla got off the subway, she walked three blocks and got to the hotel. It looked very familiar when she walked in. Memories from the Hairspray cast party flooded her mind. McKayla walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me?"

The woman at the desk looks up, "Yes?"

"Hi, is there a Christopher Cerulli staying here?"

"I'm not allowed to give that information away to just anyone."

McKayla thinks, "What about Chris Motionless?" She asks. She didn't know which name Chris would be going under.

The woman just raises an eyebrow at McKayla.

What else could it be?

Wait a minute...


He didn't seriously...

"How about...Dorian Gray?" McKayla asks. She must have sounded like an idiot.

The woman stares at McKayla a moment, then speaks, "Who wants to know?"

Did that mean he was here?

"McKayla McClain."

The woman's face suddenly lights up, "McKayla McClain? The Broadway star?"

McKayla smiles. Maybe she could use this to her advantage.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm a star."

"Oh, my best friend and I have tickets to your show! We're so excited to see you in Phantom of the Opera."

"Well, I'm flattered." McKayla says, "See, Chris - er, Dorian is an old friend of mine. I'd like to see him if he's here."

"Oh of course! Let me see what I can do." The woman says. She types a few things into the computer, looks at it a moment, then grabs the phone and presses a few buttons before putting it to her ear.

"Hi, this is the front desk. I'd like to speak to...Mr. Gray please?...Hello, this is the front desk. Are you expecting any visitors?"

"Oh, no, he's not expecting - "

"I have a miss McKayla McClain here who'd like to see you." The woman says into the phone.

There's a pause; and a long one at that. McKayla decided it was a bit too long for her liking.

"You know what? He probably doesn't remember me. I'll just..." McKayla trails before turning around and walking away.

"Wait!" The woman calls, "He's coming down."

McKayla turns around, "Oh." She says, "Thank you."

McKayla sits down ant waits, letting a million thoughts go through her mind; and not very many of them were good ones. She and Chris hadn't seen each other in years, and now she just shows up out of the blue at his hotel? What would he think of her? Chris obviously remembered her or he woulnd't have come down, right? But what if he was angry at her for the way they left things? What if he didn't want to see her? But then why would he be coming down if he didn't want to see her?

McKayla hears the ding of the elevator and it brings her out of her thoughts.

The person that walked out of the elevator made McKayla's heart skip a beat. He was pale, and his face was much more defined now. Half of his shoulder length, ebony hair was shaved off. His ears were stretched to the size McKayla last remembered seeing them. The fact that he now had drawn on eyebrows was almost laughable; but at the same time, they looked good on him. He was wearing a Misfits T-shirt that showed off all of his tattoos. He had an entire sleeve on his right arm and quite a few on his left arm as well. His neck and jawline were also covered in ink. McKayla wondered how long he'd had his vertical labret. He didn't have much makeup on except for his eyebrows and some light foundation. He looked so...different.

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