Prologue (Sort of)

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McKayla opened her eyes and woke up to the same hospital room she'd been waking up to for weeks now. The morning sun was peaking through the blinds over the windows. The room was pretty much silent with the exception of the machines that McKayla was hooked up to and the faint sound of voices outside in the hallway. McKayla was still wearing the big oversized jacket that had been given to her almost ten years ago. The beanie she usually wore was on the nightstand next to the bed where she usually left it before she went to sleep at night.

McKayla looks over to the right of her and sees Chris sipping on coffee and looking out the window. He looks over and smiles at seeing her awake.

"Hey, babe." He says before walking over and kissing her.

When the come apart, McKayla smiles, "I'm so happy you're back."

Chris' smile grows, "I'm happy I'm back too, baby." He says, "Your mom is here too. Your doctor just pulled her out a minute to tell her all of the stuff about your remission they reviewed with us last night."

"Why? It's nothing you two haven't already heard before."

Chris shrugs, "Never hurts to refresh our memories on these things."

McKayla nods. She looks down at her new engagement ring on her hand and smiles at the memory of yesterday.

Chris notices this, "What made you change your mind about agreeing to marry me?" He asks, sitting down next to her on the bed.

"Well, I could give you a whole list of reasons, Chris, but...I kept saying 'no' to you because I wanted you to feel free to leave if all of this cancer shit became too much for you; but you've made it quite clear that you aren't leaving any time soon. And if you'd given up every time something bad happened to us...Hell, we wouldn't even have survived high school if that were the case." McKayla says with a laugh, "I guess I just decided to leave the past where it belongs; to not worry about the bad things and focus on the good."

Chris smiles, "It's about time." He says, "I love you."

"I love you too." McKayla says.

Sophie walks in and smiles, "Morning, kids."

McKayla laughs, "Mom, we're in our late twenties. Do you really still feel the need to call us 'kids'?"

"First of all, we are in our mid-twenties. We're not that old." Chris says.

"Exactly." Sophie says, "Second of all, you are my only daughter and I've known Chris since he was seventeen; you two will always be kids in my eyes."

McKayla laughs, then changes the subject, "So. Doctors saying anything new?"

"Nothing we haven't heard before." Sophie says.

McKayla nods, having expected that answer. She grabs her - or Chris' - beanie from the nightstand and puts it on her head.

"This will all be over before you know it though." Sophie says "Only a week left here for your rest period and then you get to be home."

McKayla sighs and leans on Chris' shoulder. She looks over to the windows on the wall.

"What's it like out there today?" McKayla asks. She hadn't been outside in nearly a month.

"Why don't you go over and see?" Chris suggests, hoping out get McKayla out of her bed for a while.

"Nah, I'm not really in the mood to be moving around a lot right now." McKayla says.

"Well in just one more week, you can go outside as often as you feel like it." Sophie says.

Fatal: Part 2 (The Rain)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon