Chapter 14

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Time leap.

It was an interesting next few months. McKayla turned 24 and Chris surprised her by taking her to a Nine Inch Nails concert which she loved. It was one of the best birthdays ever because she got to have such an awesome time with the man of her dreams.

Nikki no longer attended McKayla's classes.

Shortly after McKayla's birthday, Chris had to leave for Warped Tour. The video for 'Creatures' came out in July while the band was on tour and it did great. It really helped with bringing an audience in.

A couple of months after Chris returned home from Warped tour was his 25th birthday. McKayla surprised him with tickets to a hockey game and she ended the night with wearing some kinky lingerie.

Chris had to leave for tour again soon after and McKayla spent Thanksgiving with her mom and that side of the family.

Christmas, however, was a bit of a different story.

After all of the festivities of Christmas day were over, Chris and McKayla met up at Chris' house and exchanged gifts to each other. Afterword, they made hot chocolate and stepped out onto the porch to watch the snow fall a bit.

"It's so pretty, isn't it?" McKayla asks.

Chris nods, "It'd just be nice if it weren't so...cold."

McKayla snorts, "Well no one said you had to come watch the snow."

Chris laughs, then grows serious, "So...I sort of have one more Christmas present for you. Actually, it's kinda something for the both of us."

"Oh God. What weird sex thing do you have in mind this time?"

Chris laughs, "No, it's not anything like that...That's not until later."

McKayla giggles, "Okay, then what is it?"

Chris steps forward, takes both of McKayla's hands and kisses her sweetly.

"I love you." He says when they come apart.

"I love you too." McKayla says, laying her head on Chris' chest, "I wish I could just stay here forever."

"Well...wouldn't it be easier if you just...did?"

McKayla breaks the embrace and looks up at Chris, her eyes wide.


Chris grins, "Kayla, will you move in with me, babe?"

McKayla's mouth falls open and her heart skips a beat.

"Before you answer, when I told your mother about this idea, her response was 'I'm on it!'. So, knowing your mom, means that she's got your apartment in boxes by now."

McKayla laughs and tears form in her eyes, "Yes! Yes, of course I will!" She exclaims before throwing her arms around Chris' neck. He laughs and spins her around. This was going to be perfect.


Time leap.

January 2nd.

Chris walks into the house with Starbucks to a messy and cluttered living room. McKayla was flopped on the couch with a pillow over her face. Chris raises an eyebrow.

"Wow, nice job unpacking, babe." Chris says, sarcastically.

McKayla raises her hand and flips him off.

Chris sets the coffee down and looks at some of the boxes. He chuckles and picks up one of the pictures inside.

"Woah, I found a picture of you as a blonde. Was this when you were doing Hairspray?"

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