Chapter 18

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The next night.

Chris walks into his hotel room, exhausted. He had a day off tomorrow and most likely was going to spend it sleeping. He kicked off his shoes and sat on the bed with a tired sigh. He looks at his phone and sees that he's got a few notifications and text messages.

Chris had a few messages from Nick and Jenny and his parents even. Did they all know? Chris throws his head back and groans in frustration.

Finally, he decides to dial his mother's number.

"Hi, honey."


"How is everything?"

"How do you think?"

She sighs, "Chris..."

A lump forms in the back of Chris' throat.

"Kayla's really really sick." He croaks out.

"I know, honey. She tells me you didn't take the news very well."

"No, I didn't take the news well!" Chris exclaims; he sighs, "How long have you known?"

"Only a couple days longer than you have. She came to me asking for help and advice on how to tell you."

Chris softens, "She did?"

"Yes. She was so afraid, Christopher. She still is. She was just trying to think of the right way to tell you."

"Yeah, well, she didn't."

"She was afraid, Christopher! She was afraid and frustrated and - "

"I'm afraid too, Mom! My God I've never been more afraid in my entire life! I mean I just found out that the girl I love has cancer! She might be dying! And...And all I want to do is tell her that everything is gonna be okay but what if I'm wrong? I want to comfort her, I do; but what if I can't? I feel like there isn't anytihing I can say that would makde any of this any better!"

"But Chris, the fight you had with McKayla made it worse. She's already stressed out enough about her illness as it is, now she's worried about losing you!"

Chris takes a moment to proces this.

"She really doesn't think I'll stay with her?"

"Will you?"

"Of course I will! Does she really not know that?!"

"Right now, she doesn't know what to think. She's started telling more and more people, but you're the only one that really mattered to her."

Chris sighs, "I'll try to talk to her tomorrow nad straighten things up."

"Be gentle with her, Christopher. She really needs you."

"I will."

"How's writing going?"

"Okay, I guesss..."

There's a pause.

"You sound tired. I'll let you get some rest."

"Okay. I'll talk to you soon."

"I love you."

"Love you too." Chris says before hanging up. He then lays back on the bed and groans; frustrated and tired.


Chris wakes up at about eleven o'clock the next morning. He'd slept hard. He was really tired the night before and felt refreshed today.

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