Chapter 5

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February, 2011

The rest of the tours for the band were great. They'd gone on a short Janurary tour as well. Now, the band was home for a short while. On their next tour, the band was finally getting an RV and they'd no longer have to sleep on each other in a cramped van. This was very exciting for them.

As Chris was unpacking, he heard a knock on the door. He answered it to reveal his seventeen-year-old sister, Jenny.

"Hey!" Chris exclaims, hugging her, "What are you doing here?"

"What, I can't visit my big brother when he comes home from tour?" Jenny asks as they break the embrace.

"Well get inside, it's freezing out there." Chris says, bringing his little sister in from the snow.

"Thanks." Jenny says, stepping in.

" is everything?" Chris asks.

Jenny shrugs, "Mom and Dad only have to be separated for a few more months according to the state; then they can be happily divorced."

"C'mon, Jen. We all knew it'd be happening soon. Honestly, it's about time."

"So you're not upset st all?"

"Of course I am, but what can we do? Things will be better once it's over."

Jenny sighs, "Yeah, I know." She says, "Anyway. I came here because I have some information for you."

Chris raises a drawn eyebrow, "What kind of information?"

"You saw McKayla McClain in New York, right?"

Chris sighs, "I thought I said I didn't want to talk about that."

"Chris, she's back."


"McKayla. She's back."

"Back? As in, she's living in Scranton again?"

"She's teaching a dance class at the studio across from Electric City so I'd assume so."

"How do you know?"

"A friend of mine is taking private lessons from her. She was all excited about how she was getting lessons from 'McKayla McClain, the Broadway star'. I eventually put two and two together, and here I am."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because even though I was really young when you were friends with McKayla, I remember how much you cared about her. And I know how hurt you were when you came back from New York. And you obviously had some musical elements that were inspired by her."

"That obvious?"

"Uh huh. Me telling you that McKayla's back either A, gives you a chance to figure out how to stay away from her at all costs; or B, it gives you a chance to figure out how to make things right with her. I care about my big brother and since I'm such an amazing little sister, I wanted to help." Jenny says, grinning, "Just something to think about."

Chris smiles, "Thanks, Jen."

"So what are you gonna do?"

Chris thinks a moment, but he honestly knew what he was going to do the minute Jenny had said McKayla had returned.

"What time does the studio close?"


McKayla walked out of the studio at closing. She hadn't been teaching at the studio for long, but she loved it so far. She had only been in a leo and tights before but she'd since put on some yoga pants on over them and her hair was put into a tight bun. Her dance shoes had been replaced by her converse. She was tired, but happy.

It was cold outside, and McKayla was eager to get home. She pulled out her keys and locked up.


McKayla nearly jumped out of her skin and let out a loud gasp. She looks over and sees Chris with his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry. It's just me."

McKayla exhales, "God, you scared me."


McKayla sighs, "It's fine." She says, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to welcome you back to Scranton."

"How did you even know I was back? Or where to find me?"

"A friend of Jenny's is taking lessons from you and Jenny told me...and here I am."

There's a pause.

"I'm sorry for acting the way I did in New York. That wasn't cool of me." Chris says.

"It's alright. I'm happy you came to see me there. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I'm glad you got to witness it."

"So then what happened? Why no more Broadway?"

McKayla shrugs, "I just wanted to take a break, you know? Be a normal person for a while."

Chris nods, "That's good. You deserve that.

"Thank you."

There's a pause.

"Hey, um..." McKayla starts, "Do you maybe, I don't know...wanna grab some coffee some time?"

"Oh. Uh, sure. Yeah, that'd be great."

"Cool. How about Starbucks tomorrow around...two?"

"Yeah, that works great."


"Yeah...So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

McKayla nods, "Yeah. I guess you will."

There's a small, awkward pause, then Chris and McKayla turn and head their separate ways.

A/N: Okay, that was short, I'm sorry. But the next chapter should at least be half-way-decent in length and it's gonna be a really funny one. And it's essentially the chapter that you guys have all been waiting for so yeah ;)

There needs to be, like, wattpad interviews. Like someone comes and interviews your favorite wattpad authors and puts it on wattpad through SoundCloud or YouTube or something or in text or something. I think that would be so cool to find out what's going through an author's head when they're writing. I would totally be willing interviewed, haha, as long as I could like cover up every inch of me so my identity isn't revealed. I don't know. These are the things I think of when I'm bored.

Leave me lots of nice votes and comments!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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